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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 10-11-2009 2:21 PM by yachadm. 10 replies.
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  • 10-06-2009 4:46 AM

    CD player recommendation.............

    Unfortunately or fortunatelySmile, my cd player finally broke and bit the dust.


    I've been using portable sony cd player, but now I'm ready to grow up a little and get myself a deck.  I'll use it mostly to transfer to cassette.


    I've listend to a few cd players, and I liked the sound of studer c series, but the price was too high.  

    When I listend to vintage b&o cd players from 80's, and liked the sound, a little bass shy, but still bright, and articulate. 


    What B&O and non-B&O cd players would you recommend?   Please be reasonable in prices.


  • 10-06-2009 5:20 AM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    Personally, I think you would have to go a long way to beat a B&O CDX. They really do sound great.

  • 10-06-2009 6:07 AM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    Another CDX recommendation from me.

    They do sound great and once the service is done they last a really long time.


  • 10-06-2009 6:39 AM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    I've heard Philips cd players from 80's, and they sounded really cool and warm.   I'll try to audition cdx as well.

  • 10-06-2009 9:51 AM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    I've heard Philips cd players from 80's


    Couldn't tell from your post if you knew already... the CDX is based on Philips, the CD-104 specifically... Smile

    I also recommend it!

    • B&o bottle opener
  • 10-06-2009 10:15 AM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    CDX is great (I have two), as is the CD50 (had one but sold it). I like the warm sound from both these decks - particularly the CD50 with its quirky upside down CD loading position :)

    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 10-06-2009 11:05 AM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    There are three basic types - the CDX - this is a Philips 14 bit machine using the chassis of a CD100 and the workings of the 104. Built by Philips, it is, as said, a really nice deck. It is a bit artificially warm but I compared it with a £1500 Musical Fidelity deck about 2 years ago and it performed very well. (It was blown away by the Naim CD555 but that is a little more expensive .... )

    Then you have the CD50. This was supposed to be the first B&O CD player and is Japanese in origin . I would not recommend this one as it is very complex and they all seem different inside! Nice sounding though if a bit more cool than the CDX.

    The last group is the 16 bit Philips machines like the 3300, 4500, 5500 etc. These are probably the best sounding systems with a Philips laser mechanism but with B&O designed circuitry utilising the famous TDA1541 DAC. The better ones get the TDA1541A chip but it does seem a little hit and miss about which get which. The CD5500/6500 and 7000 have a digital output so can be upgraded if desired.

    I have all three types - the CD50 has stopped working again but the CDX is used with my Beolab 5000 system and performs very well. I also use a CD5500 (the best CD player made by B&O IMHO) and have a CD7000 which sits in a box.

  • 10-06-2009 1:15 PM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    Peter :

    Then you have the CD50. This was supposed to be the first B&O CD player and is Japanese in origin . I would not recommend this one as it is very complex and they all seem different inside! Nice sounding though if a bit more cool than the CDX.

    I had a CD50 rolling around my floor for months and now I finally had enough energy to service it to working condition. What a horrid job! The insides looked like they were from the '70s. I still have a Sony CDP30 I bought new in 1985 (which, incidentally, has never needed any service) and the innards seem to be from another planet compared to its contemporary CD50. Add to this its quirks - like not always playing the first track from the beginning - and I really can't recommend it either. I would've sold mine but keep it around in case I can resurrect the braindead BM5000 that it came with.

    As to its sound, I guess it is OK - but I can't really say I hear much difference either way compared to my CD6500. I guess I need to make a copy of some CD, connect them to the same amp and try harder...


  • 10-06-2009 3:03 PM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    I also got a CD6500 but I can't tell compared to the CDX and Beomaster 8000.

    Both sounds wonderfull. I have 2 Beosystem setup and the 6500 used the most.

    6500 is fully link able and remote controlled which is really great.

    CDX can be connected to anything. A bit more flexiable with non B&O amps.


  • 10-06-2009 7:38 PM In reply to

    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    In  addition to the B&O options I have a couple of older philips CD players. They were built like tanks and are available via eBay for next to nothing,.

    My CD50 has also gone wrong again and I am currently using a Philips CD618 instead which to be honest sounds better than the CD50 did when it was working.

    I also have a Philips CD650 which is an ugly beast but sounds fantastic (TD1514A DAC) and cost me less than £10.



  • 10-11-2009 2:21 PM In reply to

    • yachadm
    • Top 100 Contributor
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    Re: CD player recommendation.............

    If we look beyond the Beo CD5500, the Philips CD650 is the hands-down winner, and if you compare its circuit diagrams with those of the Beo CD5500, you can see the exclusive family lineage.

    The circuitry is almost identical, but component wise, B&O went one up on the Philips CD650, and used polypropylene decoupling caps for the TDA1541 DAC, instead of scratchy ceramics on the Philips.

    I have done extensive mods on my CD650 - the sound causes instant drooling and tendencies to listen to music for hours-on-end - very dangerous, and so I'm NOT in the market for any new CD player at any price :-)

    So, if you can find a Beo CD5500, definitely the first choice, but if not, a Philips CD650 will satisfy you immensely.

    Check this ebay number - didn't sell - you may be able to cut a deal with the seller - 370264981246

    And most importantly, spares (and service tips) are readily available for both these units.


    Learn from the mistakes of others - you'll not live long enough to make them all yourself!

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