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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 09-30-2009 8:53 PM by dkkoo. 4 replies.
09-17-2009 10:57 PM
- Joined on 01-05-2009
- Posts 8
HI all
I am trying to convert the hex codes of its remote to beo5.
But I'm too much confused how to handle the code.
Do I need to change the format to RC5?
Here are the Codes from its manufacturer and there's also classic hex codes.
They list all the codes on their support page.
if someone could help me converting some of them to an Xml File for the Beo5 would be much appreciated.
Thank you in Advance !
Key |
Hex Key Data |
Decimal Key Cmd |
Pronto TSU3000 Code |
Power |
1A |
26 |
900A 006D 0000 0001 43BC 1AE5 |
Eject |
1B |
27 |
900A 006D 0000 0001 43BC 1BE4 |
Setup |
00 |
0 |
900A 006D 0000 0001 43BC 00FF |
On |
5A |
90 |
900A 006D 0000 0001 43BC 5AA5 |
Off |
5B |
91 |
900A 006D 0000 0001 43BC 5BA4 |
Source |
11 |
17 |
900A 006D 0000 0001 43BC 11EE |
Keith Saunders
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810
The codes you have found are "short List" Pronto codes meaning they do not provide the actual pulse timing, but provide the carrier frequency, product address and command code.
Whilst the codes you have found are valid "Short List" Pronto codes, most found on the web are "Learn't codes
If you have a learn't code, then the first word of the code string
will always be "0000" if the signal is modulated and "0100" if
If it is non zero, then it is a defined protocol or a proprietary defined by a vendor like Western Digital
Defined protocols include:-
0000 Learned code format (modulated) 0100 Learned code format (unmodulated) 5000 RC5 code format 5001 RC5x code format 6000 RC6 code format 6001 RC5 mode A code format
900A 32 bit NEC protocol
All values are in Hexadecimal and the second set of numbers "6D" is the carrier frequency definition. To calculate the actual carrier frequency in Khz you need to convert 6D ( 0110 1101 ) to decimal which is 108. Frequency is 1000000/(108*0.241246) = 38,380.98 Hertz
The Hex value of 43BC is the product address and is the same for all commands normally.
The last Hex value is the actual command. So for example the POWER command is 1AE5
So, you know all this information, but that now has to be converted into a format understood by the Beo5 Configuration Tool.
The NEC protocol format used in the Beo5 for each command takes the form of:-
<source_subItem stName="POWER" stCaption="POWER" stMenuCaption="POWER" stScreenType="0" stIR="NEC:GlobalManual=1#IRSEQUENCE=NEC#BITS=001111011100001010100111010110001#ALTBIT=#MARKFLANK=578#SPACEFLANK=578
#SPACE2FLANK=1708#PRESIGNALHI=8993#PRESIGNALLO=4496#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Carrier=38#REPEATSIGNAL=1#Comment=NEC 32bits" stLeave="Rel 1" stIRVideoOp1="1" stIRVideoOp2="1" stIRVideoOp4="1" stIRVideoOp5="1" stIRVideoOp6="1" stIRAudioOp1="1" stIRAudioOp2="1" stIRAudioOp4="1" stIRAudioOp5="1" stIRAudioOp6="1" stIRVideoOp2Av="1" stIRVideoOp4Av="1" stIRVideoOp6Av="1" nPage="1" nX="0" nY="20" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nRowFinal="1" nColumnFinal="0" stTextColor="255:255:255" nHidden="0" />
The format of the are reversed with the LSB (Least Significant Bit) first for both Address and command as below
The actual infra-red protocol transmission is in the form as below:-
In the above command example I have used the POWER command which decodes in binary to:-
00111101 11000010 10100111 01011000 1
Because the IR signal binary codes are the reverse to the XML binary codes and also inverted, so when you reverse the LSB and MSB you get:-
10111100 01000011 11100101 00011010 and now it must be inverted because coding method used for NEC protocol and you get:-
01000011 10111100 00011010 11100101 and you now have the address and command backward decoded to Hex 43BC 1AE5 which is what we started with for the POWER command you defined in your posting.
Clearly, no one would decode all these commands manually in the manner I have described, this is provided to show how complex the conversion is.
- Joined on 01-05-2009
- Posts 8
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate.
I thought there's a "siver bullet" for converting the codes. but now I realized that is not a simple matter thanks to you.
I have some tools that can capture IR codes in RAW format.
the below is an example captured from a STB power button.
Would you please have a time to look at the data and see if it can be used to create XML file for Beo5?
# Protocol Device Sub Device OBC HexCmd EFC Misc Frequency
1 1 38144 NEC1 173 168 160 FA 221 38144
Raw Signal
8864 -4459 550 -1679 549 -552 549 -1678 550 -1678 551 -550 549 -1679 549 -551 551 -1678 549 -552 549 -550 551 -550 549 -1677 550 -552 549 -1678 551 -550 551 -1679 549 -551 549 -552 549 -550 551 -550 551 -550 550 -1677 551 -551 550 -1678 550 -1678 549 -1680 548 -1679 550 -1679 549 -1679 551 -550 549 -1679 550 -551 549 -41883 8865 -2229 549 -97404 8866 -2229 549 -399985
But when I compare it to one downloaded here I get stuck(the below example is Tvix 6500)
#IRSEQUENCE=RAW#Carrier=38000#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Comment=RAW FlankList: 72 flanks'
It seems they contain the same information but looks different.
How about converting the code in blue so that Beo5 can understand, would it be a hard task too?
Keith Saunders
- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810
There is not really a "Silver Bullet" completely. If you use RAW as the XML Generator uses and is available to Silver a Gold members, then you are making effectively an image copy of the original which works perfectly for all the basic functions, but as soon as you want to use a repeat function, then you have a problem because the repeated command in both RC5 and NEC protocol is different from the first command sent.
The timing data you captured is a raw image in decimal, but the B&O Configuration Tool only uses Hex. To help you understand the process I have converted your decimal captured string into Hex as follows:-
#IRSEQUENCE=RAW#Carrier=38000#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Comment=RAW FlankList: 76 flanks'
The above command in RAW will NOT allow the ability to repeat by holding the key down, however as this command is actually NEC protocol which the Beo5 supports, then the very same command can also be added as follows:-
#Pause1=65000#Pause2=65000#Carrier=38#REPEATSIGNAL=0#Comment=NEC 32bits+Delay:
#PRESIGNALHI=9000#PRESIGNALLO=2250#Pause1=30000#Pause2=30000#Carrier=38#REPEATSIGNAL=1#Comment=NEC 1 bit"
I hope this lets you understand that the conversion process is quite complex and I would suggest that if you just want a basic conversion you download the 3rd Party XML Generator available to Silver and Gold Beoworld members.
- Joined on 01-05-2009
- Posts 8
Hello Keith
Thank you. I really appreciate with all your help.
Yes, I'm planning to upgrade my membership soon.
and thanks to you, I hope I can make own XMLs and share it with freiends here.
Have a nice day!
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