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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012

- Joined on 03-24-2008
- Posts 176

Before we get to positive... Does nobody misses the typical B&O design. When i look at a 1988 catalogue every product has a typical B&O design. Beolink 1000, Beolab 3000 or Penta, Beosystem 4500 or 9000. They all are unique but have much in common. If i look at the beo 4, beo 5 and the new beotime i miss that.....
The same with the new audio, video....
I absolutly like the look of the new Beotime, but i miss the collection-design

- Joined on 04-24-2007
- Illinois
- Posts 1,770

Stonk:Surely that can't be right? Is it unreadable in the dark? If so count me out
I agree 100% -that would truly be absurd!
Personally, I was trying to place the unit in my bedroom, and was thinking I'd wall mount it upside down above the headboard, so I could just open my eyes and read it!
This may kill it for me. Surely there must be some small reserve (5% ?) backlighting on all the time... or is that a battery killer?
I agree completely. If I wake up in the middle of the night and want to know the time I want to be able to take a quick look, not have to reach out and touch something. I do that when we travel if the hotel alarm clock is on my wife's side of the bed. I must reach out and get my watch, open my Serene, or pick up the iTouch to see the time. I do not want to do it at home.
Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s
Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s
Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000
Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Switzerland
- Posts 3,286

I'm afraid the visibilitty at night issue has put me off buying this as well.
So am I !!!
I had doubts before because the not timer switch on-off LC2s capability and the too small display size (digits) for my poor eyeside...
As Razlaw, Stonk, Burantek, PentaIII, Large48 and the others... I don't want (I can't) to search any objet out of reach by touching blindly in the dark.
now I'm sure about: sorry but this beotime "first version" is not for me... maybe a future mk2 will improve/fix those "issues"??? I hope so !
By the way, thanks a lot for the review !!
Piet van der Zalm

- Joined on 07-12-2007
- The Netherlands
- Posts 149

Thank for the review, Beaker.
To bad that there is no timer function for the LC2. Missed opportunity. Since B&O terminated the 2-way communication system, there is no solution switching LC2 on and off by a timer function.
Can you program multiple timers? For instance: waking up monday to friday at 06.00 and saterday / sunday at 08.00???

- Joined on 04-16-2008
- Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
- Posts 2,839

Not sure I agree with the objections to the (apparent) lack of permanent illumination. Mobile phone screens or even a permanently-on tiny led charging light can be really annoying at night in some circumstances. If you know where the Beotime has been placed, particularly if on its stand or holder and within easy reach, what's wrong with having to touch it?
On another topic: will the Beotime operate as a timer? Reading the manual you get the impression that the alarm will keep ringing until you touch the Beotime to turn the alarm off (leaving whatever equipment you've activated with the Beotime running until the set time-out period has ended (up to 120min)). The manual also gives the impression that the alarm may sound three times at ten minute intervals before it gives up. Is that correct and, if so, for how long does the alarm actually sound each time?
If the alarm could be muted then the Beotime could be more convincingly used as a timer to give, for example, the impression of occupancy when you were out.
PS I'll probably buy it anyway!
PPS Thanks for the review Beaker!
EDIT: Now ordered!
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

- Joined on 12-29-2008
- Rochdale
- Posts 367

Yes I agree with this opinion...
I first became interested in B&O as a 15 year old in 1987 - and all products back then looked like they came from the same stable.
I dont think the latest stuff has quite the same 'collection-design' as you said.
BV5, BV Avant, MX4000, MX1500
BS 7000, BS 5500
Penta III, Penta II, BL 4000, RL 60.2, RL 35, CX-100 Alu
BL 7000, MCP6500, MCP5500, BL 5000, Beo4 (x2), BL 1000 (x2)

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- Greenwich Village, NYC
- Posts 336

The price at the Liverpool store is £300.
That would put it at $495.00 in the US?
Precisely what I paid for my Bose Wave Radio/Cd Player. Which will not be displaced from my bedstand by a Beotime any time soon.

- Joined on 04-16-2008
- Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
- Posts 2,839

The price at the Liverpool store is £300.
That would put it at $495.00 in the US?
Precisely what I paid for my Bose Wave Radio/Cd Player. Which will not be displaced from my bedstand by a Beotime any time soon.
I use a Bose Wave Radio (pre Cd version). It's an excellent product but not quite finished to the same standard as B&O systems.
I t does have a permanent green display which is faint enough (not backlit) not to be annoying at night. One really annoying feature, though, is that when ithe radio comes on (switched on or in alarm mode) it just shows the radio frequency and the time dissappears.
I expect my Beotime and Bose Wave are going to live in different rooms.
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]

- Joined on 05-23-2007
- Atlanta, USA
- Posts 318

vikinger:One really annoying feature, though, is that when ithe radio comes on (switched on or in alarm mode) it just shows the radio frequency and the time dissappears.
Which makes it as practical for a Clock radio as a BeoSound3. You'd think somebody would get it right!
I'm getting the Beotime because it looks to be a pretty cool product overall. However, the viewablilty at night issue may actually force me to get TWO Beotimes so I don't have to wake up my wife... to wake up the clock... on her side of the bed when I want to know the time at night.

- Joined on 05-22-2009
- Greece
- Posts 44

Great review thanks. I look forward to see one in the flesh and very keen to get one to replace my current alarm clock....
Its a like 911 revometer and has the sound of a 911 accelerating as an alarm sound , looks nice but eeerrrr well that B&O BeoTime is somehow more stylish and more serene that an alarm clock that looks like it was taken off a car....
I dont see nay maojor negatives with the Beotime, thanks for the thorough review 
Carpe Diem

- Joined on 05-15-2007
- London, UK
- Posts 57

Hi Beaker,
Thanks for the thorough review.
It is certainly a beautiful thing and very much a B&O product, I've always loved the cool metallic look of BL6000 and BL8000, so I'll be looking to get one 
It does seem odd that it has no backlight for night viewing (as commented upon by many others in this thread), but I guess battery life is a concern. However, it won't discourage me as I'll be using in as another remote in my study.
I think I'll start hinting now and the missus might get me one for Christmas 
BV7-32, BL8000, BL2, BL6000, Humax, AppleTV3, MX4200, V8000, Humax, BS3200, BL6000, BL4000, BeoPort, MacMini+DACmagic

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Moderator - UK
- Posts 5,223

Another review may be coming up - always nice to get different opinions! Will let you know nearer the time 

BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588

It certainly is great reading a Beoworlder's take on new products as the mainstream media don't seem to cover B&O products that often. Would be great do have a dedicated in-depth review section of each current product on the forum.
Always a good idea (I think there was a call at the new site's launch for volunteers to write product reviews - good one's being listed on the product information part of the main site, I'm not sure there were very many takers)!
The important thing would be that any review would have to be an objective, "warts and all" appraisal, which can be quite an ask from the owner of the product as they tend to be slightly biased! A good example would be the BS/BM5 - some think it a complete waste of money while others sit and stroke theirs by the fire every evening -
maybe any review should be vetted by a few "editor" type members to ensure objectivity?
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Germany
- Posts 950

I played with one today - and do have to wait till november until he gets units for sale. This was only the one demo unit he got from Denmark. Very sad for the customers and for the dealer.
So, it's surprisingly big when you see it for the 1st time and it's very light. It's made of metal and the casing behind the LCDs and the navigation button is black plastik. I think it must be some kind of translucent because I can't see any hint of an IR transmitter for the remote signals.
It feels light but durable and well made. The 3 displays have a very good and high contrast and they simply look elegant in stand by mode, displaying the current time and if the alarm is on/off plus alarm time. The backlight is light blue and realy a good mix of decent light with good readability! You can enable or disable the touch function (Light on when you touch the Beotime with your hand etc.) The displays are small and sharp; so don't be afraid: A monochrome LCD doesn't mean that it's a bad thing :-)
The alarm is activated by the big metal(?) trumped formed button on the top of the remote/watch. It feels sturdy even when it's extended out. Very good as you have an optical and additional indicator if the alarm is on or off. You DO need to push the button back into the Beotime with 2 hands: One pushes the button, the other hand needs to fix the Beotime when you don't want it to fall off your bedside table. I don't know if you need two hands when it's attached to the wall mount. When you push the alarm button it slides out and the display on the Beotime changes to "on" and vice versa.
You don't need a manual. After playing around with it a few minutes you will be able to use all features. Light is definetly NOT available as an alarm source. You can only control the light manualy. Shame on you B&O ;-)
The alarm sound of the Beotime sounds like you hit a piece of alumium or glass - as far as I know these tone was found on the Serene or Serenata, too. It's like a very clear "Ping" sound. It's increasing in volume and it sounds SURPRISINGLY clear and loud!
There's only a B&O logo on the Beotime. You don't see any "Bang & Olufsen" lettering (or I am blind). The B&O logo is engraved in the aluminium pipe. Very nice and you can feel it.
The backside of Beotime contains two black rubber stripes to stop the Beotime from rolling around. On the lower part there's a black cover: the battery door.
The navigation button (5 ways: up, left, down, right, enter) has good tactile feedback and is easy to operate. Nice: When you're using the Beotime as a remote it displays the actual source AND the actual function you're using when you press the button (next, previous, Vol+, Vol-). This is very helpful as there are no signs etc. on the buttons.
What I dislike: When you hold the Beotime as a remote the display does not adjust itself to vertical use; that would be a nice feature. It would be sufficient if only the last display adjusts itself to this "remote mode".
Verdict: I instantly ordered one and I will happily live with it. It's very well made, it looks very nice and it even sounds very nice. It is a "must have gadget" for me as I don't have to mess around with any timer operation on the devices themself.
I just take the beotime, enter a source I want to listen to in the morning and ready.
Hopefully it's "Made in Denmark" :-)

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Neuchatel, Suisse
- Posts 552

I concur with my neighbour, Santiago.
This no doubt clever and well-enginnered device reminds me of trying to read the small screen on the Beocom 2 in bed.
When I want to know what time it is at 00: Dark: Thirty, I reach over and gently ask the wife. ( The large blue-lighted Atomic clock is on her side of the bed ).
No need at 04:00 to play the flute, cosh my head, fumble with a Beo 4 remote, turn the Beolab speakers on, or the Beovision TV by accident.

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588

I hope you have all read Peter's article HERE, and also downloaded the manual. (Gold and Silver members only) Thank you Peter What a great idea to show it next to the 60s Beomaster 5000. Although both Peter and TWG have commented that the manual is not absolutely necessary to operate the Beotime, I couldn't help but notice this statement on page 11 Quote...
"You can make the alarm clock wake you up at a specific point in time by setting a time for the alarm to sound"
Well done B&O! Great attribute in an alarm clock!
Andy T.
What you all have failed to notice is that it also has MOTS - it wakes you up different times everyday!
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- sweden
- Posts 1,032

I have place mine like this. Hope they can SW update it so the display shows it right in vertical pos:


- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Moderator - UK
- Posts 5,223

That man is so stylish, his clothes iron themselves! It's true..
BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen