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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-02-2011 3:26 AM by Ypeij00. 26 replies.
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  • 05-24-2010 4:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Logitech Harmony Playstation 3 Adapter: Can anybody make a Beo 5 file out of the Pronto Hex file?

    A warm Welcome to your first posting on Beoworld..

    Like all the XML files I make available for download, I produce them.

    Generally speaking LG use the same codes for most recent TV's and you can download the file HERE but it may not work with your model.

    Regards Keith....

  • 03-02-2011 3:26 AM In reply to

    Samsung LCD; Can anybody make a Beo 5 file out of the Hex file?

    Dear Keith,

    I see in your Product Browser (Beo5 CT) a 3rd party XML for a Samsung TV. Is this XML also for a Samsung LCD?

    I want to use my Beo5 in the bedroom (Samsung LCD with Ouverture, BL8000 and LC2) and buy a new Beo6 for the livingroom. Looked for a Samsung TV file in the Beo5 download page but found no Samsung files. Just found the Samsung Hex-codes on "" but can't convert them to XML. Would you want to share your Samsung file with me? If you like I have the 3rd party files for a Philips LCD TV and a Humax STB. Also have the CT4.11 if you like.


    Dave (Buchten, Netherlands)

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