These are about to go to the dump, I can put it off no longer. They will be disposed of on the 9th of september so if you want them, get in touch before then! These are FREE. All I ask is a small donation to be made to Beoworld.
Beogram 1000. No stylus. Slight crack in the plasic lid. Works but needs some lubrication and TLC. It does have the optional pre amp board fitted though.
Beomaster 900M. Very good cosmetically. Totally dead electrically!! Spares or repair. I dont know whats wrong with it so have no idea if it would be an easy fix but it does look nice.
Collection only please . I am in Surrey. Remember, come the 9th of september these will be going to the great hifi store in the sky, which will break my heart but I can not keep them any longer