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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-19-2009 11:55 AM by burantek. 28 replies.
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  • 08-19-2009 11:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Airport Express, and router frustration!!

    Hi Andy,

    Upon reading your more recent posts, i see your still having an issue..... and I realised you didn't mention doing any set up in your earlier ones...? Unsure You cannot simply plug and play the AE ....

    Basically the AE should be able to join any wireless (non apple) network, but what you have to do is use Airport Utilities to do the set up. I believe this should have come with the AE and or you should be able to download it from Apple.

    Launch the utlities and let it scan for AE devices, once its found your AE you select it and follow the steps to set it up 'to give it a name such as Living Room',  'to join an existing network" and to 'stream music' etc. during this process you will need also to tell the AE what your security system is (eg. a password if required) so that it can log onto the network... so you would need to confirm this prior to doing the setup.. however once this is done it will reboot the AE and you should now be able to now see the AE in your itunes, at the bottom right.

    If I recall correctly Apple has some instructions and guides on its website to assist you.

    Hope that this is the issue as this will be an easy fix.

    If it is your security and it is based on MAC addresses you need to check with your IP provider and they should be able to give you a web address to go in and adjust / add MAC addresses  on your router for your network and or change it to a password WAP/WEP etc system.

    Trust some of that makes sense for you, I am a bit of a novice myself, but went through a lot of these issues to get my network functioning properly... so not sure if I am explaining things correctly.




  • 08-19-2009 11:48 AM In reply to

    • madskp
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    Re: Airport Express, and router frustration!!

    In the airport configuration tool wireless settings there are som options on how you connect to the existing network. 

    There is both make a wireless network, connect to a wireless network, and extend a wireless network (that might not be the exact translations, but my configuration tool is in danish) Which one have you choosen?

    I believe you have to choose either connect to or extend wireless network. Try both and see if you can get a connection. 

  • 08-19-2009 11:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Airport Express, and router frustration!!

    Normally you can only choose Extend if your main router is another Aiport station. I'd recommand to use Connect to...

  • 08-19-2009 11:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Airport Express, and router frustration!!

    I was going to post this link in my first post, but it is all Apple, so I didn't... Sad

    Upon reviewing the links in it, I think there may be some good info.

    • B&o bottle opener
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