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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-24-2009 5:53 PM by Dillen. 7 replies.
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  • 07-17-2009 4:05 AM

    Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)


    i had a problem with my beogram 4004.

    when push on the START button the arm goes over the record, and the pickup-arm goes down in the right position -

    but the transport goes on.

    Then you must push the LIFT button quickly, bevore the pickup arrives the record...

    the service manual says, that ist a problem with RUN OFF switch (1 TR16) !?

    is this a great repair? can it do by myself

    much thanks for help, and sorry for my bad english...


    greetings from germany




  • 07-17-2009 7:06 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    Could be a bad transistor.
    Does the carriage continue to the center ?
    Won't the carriage go to the right at all ?
    If not, how do you get the carriage back to home position ?


  • 07-17-2009 8:14 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    hello martin,

    thank you for your quick answer!

    if there is not record on the deck, the funktions are ok, first 33 than 45 at the center carriage get back

    to home position.

    if there is a record on the deck, the carriage goes to the beginn position of record - the pickup goes down

    but the carriage continue goes to the center. - the carriage transport didn`t stop

    quickly push the lift botton, and the pickup goes up and the carriage stops.

    push on the lift botton, carriage goes ahead and pickup goes down.

    if push LIFT the carriage stopps, then you can push START, the carriage goes to center and home position, also you can push STOP, carriage

    goes directly to home position.

    when carriage is stoppt all funktions are ok ( << >> / < > slow-quick transport, start/stop) Lift up - pickup goes up are ok

    - only Lift down V  - pickup  goes down and carriage goes to the center


    i hope these are good answers for your questions


    greetings bernd

  • 07-17-2009 11:27 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    I see.
    Probably the tracking sensor/lamp/assembly that needs adjusting.
    Maybe the interrupter has worked lose.
    It should make the carriage keep up with the tonearm but only
    just so, not run astray.
    It's the diaphragm adjustment, page 3-5 in my service manual, I suggest
    you try that before anything else.

    With the tonearm hovering above the record;
    If you press Lift  (to lower the tonearm and start playing) and the carriage starts moving already
    before the needle hits the record, confirms the above diagnose.

    Could also be an electronic fault, a cracked solder joint or something else, but the
    above is by far the most likely.


  • 07-18-2009 2:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    Hi Martin,

    the diaphragm adjustment is ok.

    i think ist`s my mistake, i said carriage but i mean slide transport.

    when push start, the pickup arm goes down on record start position but the slide transport

    goes on with high speed.

    it only stopps when you are push the lift botton, push it once more the slide goes with high speed

    an needle goes down.

    Maybe it`s a bad transistor in the electronik switch!? perhaps ist`s a possibility to exchange this one



  • 07-18-2009 4:09 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    Yes, I'm sure that the fault lies within the lamp/sensor or related circuitry.
    You will have to measure around a bit, folow the sensor signal and see where it is disturbed.
    Maybe a shorted sensor wire or a cracked solder joint at the main board edge connectors.


  • 07-24-2009 1:53 PM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    Hi Martin,

    The beogram does very well...

    I have looked at all of your last tips, everything was ok...

    Then I`m starting the beogram without recordtable and "beltdisk" , push start - and take

    the pickup-arm extremly left and right... the slide transport stopps!

    Your first tip with diaphragm adjustment !!!!

    So I take a completly new position of diaphragm !? - and it works.


    Much Thanks to you! great job






  • 07-24-2009 5:53 PM In reply to

    • Dillen
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Beogram 4004 Problem with " RUN OFF" switch (1TR16)

    Good job !  Yes -  thumbs up


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