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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-04-2007 4:24 PM by Coolskin. 1 replies.
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  • 06-04-2007 4:03 PM

    • Mark
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
    • Posts 11
    • Bronze Member

    BS3200 Copy / Hard Drive Problem

    I have a problem with my BS3200 (linked with a pair of BL6000s). It is about 2 years old and up until a couple of months ago I had recorded about 80 cds onto the hard drive.  Since then I have been working hard to load most of my cds onto the system as the racks need to go to make room for the BV8 Smile.

    Copying cds goes fine for a few discs and then I run into a problem in that the process 'freezes' at the end of a track and the cd stops playing.  The system will not allow me to exit the process but pressing 'cd' on the unit or Beo4 allows that track to play and then it freezes until 'cd' is pressed again.  At the end of the cd (after a number of these steps) the unit tells me that the copy is ok.  It is then impossible to play any track on the hard drive until the 'cdmem' / 'amem' function has been pressed alternating with the unit being switched off several times. This does not appear to be time sensitive as leaving the system switched off overnight immediately after one episode left me doing the same the following morning.  Eventually the sytem allows me to access my recorded music but the cd affected is only recorded up to the end of the track that first froze. Once that recording is deleted I can record the cd again to the same position with no problem and do a few more before the same happens again.

     I have about 220 cds recorded onto the four groups and don't think this is a hard drive capacity problem.  It occurred occasionally when the unit was new and occurs about every 8th to 10th cd.  Since it settles down and all my recorded music is accessible it is probably OK but irritating.  Anybody and ideas / suggestions?  I'm hoping nobody suggests a major service as I don't want to have to record 220 cds again [:'(].

    Thanks for any help.


  • 06-04-2007 4:24 PM In reply to

    Re: BS3200 Copy / Hard Drive Problem

    Sorry Mark I don't have any clue.
    But for reference I will add a tag for future reference.
    I too have a BS3200, one of the first that came out.

    I don't think it is related to your problem, but mine is chip and software updated.
    Now mine is sw 1.9 [Beware: With the chip update you will loose your CD names!!]
    The update was due to RANDOM error on the green section.
    It shuffled only the first 7 recorded CD's.
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