Hi guys and gals.
I am waiting for my new BV-7 MK IV, hoping intensely that I will be more satisfied with it than the major part of you seem to be. It will just be standing here doing it's thing. Nothing fancy like linking or such as I use Apple stuff for that.
It will be playing with 7.4, Beolab 9's and for the time being a borrowed BL 2. I also have a pair of BL 3's around, but I am doing something to the house and wanted to use it in another room.
So, when I am watching movies my current MK II is told i do not have any satellites. And I am happy with that really. BUT - I was told by a dealer recently that the surround module of the MK IV is so greatly improved that it would be a sin not to provide it with satellites. Even just Beolab 4 he said. Anything goes, but do put something there....
Does any of you have experience on this? Will the satellites rock my world in a manner I can not overlook? I know of course that with HD comes even more separation of sounds, but still...
Any thoughts?
BV 7-55, BL 7-4, BL 9's, BL 4's, BL 3's, BC 2300, Beo5, Beo4