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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-29-2009 10:24 AM by justinlinnane. 5 replies.
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  • 06-24-2009 4:06 PM

    astronomical rates for beocnter service !!

    Thought i'd let you know the price quoted by a london"vintage electronics engineer" to service a very respectable Beocenter 7700.

    nothing wrong with it,  just wanted it to have a lubrication and a quick check over. 600.00 pounds according to LONDON SOUND .

    what a ******* liberty!  or perhaps he just like adding to his website rather than actually taking peoples business.

    can anyone top this quote?



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  • 06-24-2009 9:03 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: astronomical rates for beocnter service !!

    Well, BeoWorld isn't really the place for flaming engineers - but £600 for a check and lube is a bit, ummm, OTT ?

    Upon looking at his website, he claims to have 40 years experience and appears quite knowledgable.  I would certainly double-check that he has understood exactly what you want him to do - i think with that level of experience you owe him that.. 

    I'm trying to defend someone here that cannot answer for himself, but maybe he gave that quote because he doesn't know/understand B&O perhaps as well as he claims to, or perhaps he has the wrong impression of what you require?

    Personally, if you're in London and have genuinely been quoted £600 for a check and lube, i would call Simon Harry at AVA Services. No conflict with 'other resellers' either - we all use him, he's a great guy and a B&O genius !!!




    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 06-25-2009 12:33 PM In reply to

    Re: astronomical rates for beocnter service !!

    Thanks for the tip Lee. I was perhaps too angry when I wrote the message but it just

    seemed to be the usual "if anyone mentions B&O they must be rich and stupid"  sort of

    quote. If it wasn't for forums like this i'm sure most vintage B&O woud be on the

    scrapheap beacuase of this, thanks again 


  • 06-26-2009 3:53 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: astronomical rates for beocnter service !!

    I'll do the work for you Justin - £599Big Smile

    I agree with Lee, £600 is either a misquote or misunderstanding. If it is a genuine quote for the work you have described then he's taking the p**s.

    I also agree 100% that some people see the words Bang & Olufsen and instantly add a couple of zero's on the price thinking we are all brain dead yuppies eating caviar out of solid 24K gold bath tubs brimming with the stuff....



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 06-27-2009 3:44 AM In reply to

    Re: astronomical rates for beocnter service !!

    Perhaps he's snowed under with work and just didn't want the job.

    Perhaps he's worked on one before and knows what a git they can be.

    Perhaps he took an instant dislike to the OP.

    Perhaps he's got a holiday to pay for.

    There are any number of reasons for a sky high quote and they don't need to be "I think you are a stupid, rich B&O person"

    The trick is, not to take offence. Simply walk away and try somebody else.

    Regards Graham

  • 06-29-2009 10:24 AM In reply to

    Re: astronomical rates for beocnter service !!

    Thanks for replies . all good advice. I have calmed down considerably  since finding someone else to do the work .  

    So hopefully  my beloved Beocenter  will be back to its best soon 



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