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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-11-2009 6:30 AM by Carolpa. 6 replies.
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  • 06-09-2009 6:29 AM

    • Cleo
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    Wireless problem or wrong Option

    Hallo together,

    I have the following setup.

    Main room (Video room): BV 9 with Beolab 1 and BL 6000, BS 5 with ML, SPDIF, Video and Audio L/R connected to the BV 9

    Main room (Audio room). BS 9000 with BL 5

    When I connect via ML Kabel the both systems together thy work fine. I can hear, ... in my Audio room, also I can hear CD and FM radio in my Video room.

    But when I connect them with a BL wireless I can`t hear, in the Audio room and no CD or FM radio in the Video room. The only thing I can hear in the Audio room is the Sat -radio (BV 9).

    My Options are: BV 9 Opt. V2, BS 9000 Opt. A2, BS 5 - Audiomaster "NO" Opt. A1.

    Has anbody an idea ?Wink


    ciao cleo

  • 06-10-2009 3:26 PM In reply to

    • Cleo
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    Re: Wireless problem or wrong Option

    Nobody any idea ??????????HmmWhistle

    ciao cleo

  • 06-10-2009 4:05 PM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: Wireless problem or wrong Option

    Hey Cleo. Have you tried downloading the Product Configuration Guide?

    Poor me, never win owt!

  • 06-10-2009 4:26 PM In reply to

    • Stan
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    Re: Wireless problem or wrong Option

    I don't have the wireless, but I will in a few weeks... so, for today, this makes me an expert  Smile

    I believe that wireless can only go one way.  That is, you configure the wireless to be a transmitter or a receiver, and sound/ML commands can only go from the transmitter to the receiver (and not the other direction).  Therefore, the best you will be able to do is to get sound from your video room to your audio room or from your audio room to video room, but not both (maybe if you bought another pair and set them up in the reverse direction?). 

    Since you can get sound in the audio room, I suppose this means your video room is transmitting and your audio room is receiving.  This is why you cannot get CD or radio in your video room.

    There is a nice compatibility list found here:

    However, it doesn't have the BS5 listed.  It does say that Beoport is not supported, and, in many ways, the BS5 is similar to the Beoport so maybe that is the problem.   It does say that the BS9000 is supported as a receiver, but it's not clear to me what this actually means - I guess it means you can get "Sat -radio" from your video room.

    Finally, if you have the cable and it works, why use wireless?


  • 06-11-2009 3:43 AM In reply to

    • Cleo
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    Re: Wireless problem or wrong Option

    Thank you - but I have another cofiguration in my Link room (BL wireless with Blab 8000). From this room I can hear, and Sat -radio. Therefor I think there must be a configuration for the BS9000 to hear and in the audio room. It´s no problem if I cannot hear FMradio or CD in the Video room.

    The cable version is not possible because I have an "open house" with the audio room in the wintergarden (ground floor) and the living room (audio room) in the 1st floor.

    ciao cleo

  • 06-11-2009 5:36 AM In reply to

    • Cleo
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    Re: Wireless problem or wrong Option

    Sorry i´m no silver or gold member (..until now !)

    ciao cleo

  • 06-11-2009 6:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Wireless problem or wrong Option

    In my opinion: the Beolink Wireless is not designed to connect Audio-Video masters. It can connect wireless additional link audio and/or video!

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