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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-11-2009 12:11 PM by Stan. 7 replies.
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  • 06-09-2009 6:21 AM

    Double number channels not recognised.


    I've noticed that SKY channels begining with double numbers do not work, i.e 110 you get 10 on the screen, 111 you get just 1 and 112 you get 12 and so on. I'm using V3.00.02 config software. Is this a feature or a fault?

    Thanks, Dave

  • 06-09-2009 10:09 AM In reply to

    Re: Double number channels not recognised.


    I´ve the same problem. If I want to see channel 11, I have to press the logo 2 times in a short time. I´m using V3.00.02 config software to, and in the list are the correct numbers (i.e. 11...) deposited.

    Has anyone a solution for this problem

    Thank you Beroli

  • 06-09-2009 5:26 PM In reply to

    Re: Double number channels not recognised.

    Have you put a pause between digits? I am a novice at this but when I first got mine, I found that this got past that problem. I made the pause as long as I could!

  • 06-10-2009 4:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Double number channels not recognised.

    Thanks for that Peter, I had tried that but wasn't using a big enough delay. 250 is the shortest you can get away with.  Not sure why you should need to use a delay, must be a bug in the Beo5 firmware.

    Thanks again.

  • 06-10-2009 6:06 AM In reply to

    Re: Double number channels not recognised.


    Thanks for that Peter, I had tried that but wasn't using a big enough delay. 250 is the shortest you can get away with.  Not sure why you should need to use a delay, must be a bug in the Beo5 firmware.

    I'd rather expect that to be a feature of the Sky receiver or the remote control protocol it uses - it probably will not accept keypresses any faster than that, and without a long enough delay it thinks the "11" are both part of the same command (a single "1").


  • 06-11-2009 5:36 AM In reply to

    Re: Double number channels not recognised.

    Hi Mika

    Could be.  Any channels with digits that repeat have to have a delay in them.  I’m still not sure why it is able to accept 123 without a delay but not 111. If the problem was due to the speed which it can accept key presses you should get the problem with any number combination. Anyway, not to worry, as long as it works I’m happy.


  • 06-11-2009 5:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Double number channels not recognised.

    That's because then you are sending different commands - the receiver knows that "1" "2" must be two separate keypresses, whereas with "1" "1" it thinks both of the IR bursts are part of a single, longer press of "1" unless there's a long enough pause between them.

    Some remote control protocols work around this problem with something called a "toggle bit", which means that repeating commands actually send a different code with each keypress, and you don't need the delay.  Apparently the Virgin box doesn't do that.


  • 06-11-2009 12:11 PM In reply to

    • Stan
    • Top 150 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
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    Re: Double number channels not recognised.

    Although I've never designed one, I would think that most IR receiving applications are designed with the assumption that it is a human pressing the number buttons, and humans cannot press buttons instantly... and there's also the issue of the remote having to determine 1 press of a number vs. 2 presses of the number - Many years ago, I wrote some software to do this, and, IIRC, switches will "bounce" (at least they did 20 yrs ago) and send multiple inputs over a very short period of time, so the software accepts the 1st, but will not accept another input until some number of millisec later (depending on how long the switch bounces). 


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