Having trawled through the service manual I have considered that the option to reset the TV to its original defaults would wipe out all the current tuning and presumably cause the TV to retune afresh next time it's used, including the radio.
As the BC1 autotunes only when first set-up (and hopefully after a reset to default), is it possible that this TV has previously been used via masterlink (for radio) and, for example, if a radio aerial had never been connected then no stations would have been detected on the first auto tuning and so the BC1 simply does not respond to the radio button on the Beo4 in the absence of any tuned stations?
I am reluctant to go down the default setting route in case I inadvertently create other problems, but any advice on this reset approach being the solution to the problem would be appreciated.
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure. [W C Fields]