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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 06-21-2009 2:04 PM by Jan Thogersen. 6 replies.
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  • 05-20-2009 4:52 PM

    • bumble
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    Beolit 39 market value?

    Hi BeoWorld -

    Anyone have a rough idea what I should expect to pay for a nonfunctioning Beolit 39 in pretty decent cosmetic condition?  Can't find any corroborating data on this anywhere online...




  • 05-20-2009 4:58 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolit 39 market value?

    Difficult to say - Martin can give you a better idea - but several hundred dollars I would guess.

  • 05-20-2009 7:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolit 39 market value?

    hmmm tough one...

    It's an iconic piece so expect to pay a lot, even for a non-working one!!

    I know I'd like one and would pay for the pleasureSmile

    My B&O: 2009 Catalogue and Pricelist

  • 05-21-2009 4:09 AM In reply to

    • Teddy_fr
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    Re: Beolit 39 market value?

    I spotted this advert but this is for two Beolits, 39 and 48. It's in Danish so perhaps our dear Martin (Dillen) would tell us more about this.
    Wonderful and very sought after bakelite radio!


  • 05-22-2009 1:51 AM In reply to

    • Daniel
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    Re: Beolit 39 market value?

    Radio, Bang & Olufsen, Beolit 39 og Beolit 48 superpris gives v. hurtig handel Radio, Bang & Olufsen, Beolit 39 and Beolit 48 super price is given with quick sale

    Pris: 2.999,- Price 400 €

    Indrykket: 20.05.09 kl. 09:07  Annoncen er blevet set 209 gange Registered 20.05.09 09:07. The ad is showed 209 times

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    Varens stand: God, men brugt Condition: Good, but used

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    Beovision LX5500, BeoCord V6000, BeoSound 9000, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 3500, BeoLab 2000, BeoVox1, BeoCom 6000, Form1, LightControl 1

  • 05-22-2009 2:49 AM In reply to

    • Dillen
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    Re: Beolit 39 market value?

    That's a wanted ad and the price is the highest you can put on a wanted ad without paying for the ad.
    John (the ad holder) is more than happy to pay considerably more for these sets.

    As mentioned in the "Repairs to a classic" thread just yesterday, the Beolit 39
    is not a very rare set but quite sought after, which sets the price high.
    I have seen 4 or 5 Beolit 39's for sale over the last 10 years or so.
    A non-functional Beolit 39 advertized "as-is" with fair cosmetics typically sells for
    something like DKK 8000-12000 (1000-1400 UK Pounds or 1500-2200 US Dollars in
    todays conversions).
    As with everything else B&O, condition is everything.
    Missing parts is bad, not counting f.e. a missing valve(tube) - that can be found, but especially
    missing knobs/frames/dial or the speaker, brings down the price.
    A working Beolit 39 will sell for more. I had many people contact me when I did the set
    in the Beolit 39 thread, wanting to buy it when it was finished (despite stating that it
    wasn't mine to sell) and offers went considerably higher than the above figures.
    Easily twice or more.

    The Beolit 48 is, on the other hand, quite rare - but it's not as sought after as the '39.
    It's very hard to put price on one but a wild guess compared to the '39 would be more or less
    half of that.
    Even rarer is the '48s matching extra speaker.


  • 06-21-2009 2:04 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolit 39 market value?

    I have a Beolit 39 as well as a Beolit 48 - and a Jet 505 K for sale - and I would not even consider selling the Beolit 39 for less than DKK 40.000 - very rare indeed in good condition ! The pearl of any B&O collection !


    Best wishes,



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