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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-10-2010 3:38 PM by Keith Saunders. 27 replies.
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  • 08-07-2010 7:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo5 and Philips TV


    Your Feller BeamIT remote arrived this morning.

    I did a quick 10 minute review of it and I can see why Lintronic and everyone else has been having problems and also why the B&O supplied XML will never work and I guess it was not tested unless it is intended for a different Feller remote.

    This remote appears to use an "Unmodulated" signal, in other words there is no carrier frequency which is a big problem for most receivers because the normal way of determining the "pulse" size is to count the carrier frequency periods which in this case cannot be done.

    Tomorrow I will do further tests to see if I can come up with a solution to this issue.

    Regards Keith....

  • 08-10-2010 2:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Beo5 and Philips TV

    Hi Keiths,

    I feared, that this Feller remote is very speicific. I did another test with a Logitech Remote today. It is the model 895 with IR and RF transmitter. With this model I could setup the Feller and it worked. Maybe this could help you to find a solution.


    Again, thank you very much for your work!



  • 08-10-2010 3:38 PM In reply to

    Re: Beo5 and Philips TV

    I have decoded your BeamIT remote and I can confirm it uses "Pulse Distance Encoding" using 80 micro second pulses with a typical pulse train of 13.5 milli-seconds

    B&O remotes use the same type of encoding method, but the pulses are 270 micro seconds and the overall pulse train is about 140 milli seconds using a totally different protocol.

    I have re-produced your BeamIT binary string on the Beo5 which works, but you will need to test it.

    I will be sending you an XML file for test tomorrow.

    Regards Keith....

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