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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 02-10-2010 2:32 AM by Alain. 18 replies.
04-18-2009 11:38 AM
- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124
Hi, after long waiting my Beosound 5/Beomaster 5 has arrived. When I install Beoplayer on my PC the system asks for a password for the Beomaster 5 and I can't find it anywhere in the documentation. Has anyone installed the BM 5 ? Where do I find the password ?
Best regards
- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Thanks for fast answer ! And where do I set the password, in the BS 5 you mean ?
/ Hans
- Joined on 02-09-2009
- Posts 38
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Thanks for fast answer ! And where do I set the password, in the BS 5 you mean ?
/ Hans
select "mode" on bs 5, then focus on settings. RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, GO.
after the settings menu appeared, browse through the menus for the password section. enter the password, thatsit.
- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
When I choose mode and then choose settings, everything that comes up is :
- System info (end )
- System settings : here are two choices, Language and Time Zone
- Maintenance : here are also two choices, Clean-Up and Update software
I can't find any password settings anywhere. Am I doing something wrong ?
/ Hans
- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Now it works !!! Can't thank you enough !
Best regards
- Joined on 05-12-2007
- Posts 219
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Did you really have to install it yourself? Where did you buy this...?
- Joined on 02-19-2008
- Posts 124
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
It was my own decision to install it myself.
/ Halid
- Joined on 07-04-2009
- Posts 42
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Hope you can help me. I have the same problem that my iMac doesnt connect with Beomaster5. So i cannot transfer CD`s from iTunes to Beomaster5. I have also changed the passwort in Beosound5. But it doesnt connect with my iMac. My configuration is:
1.iMac 10.5.x
2. Beomaster5/Beosound5
3. Beomaster5 connected with my iMac with the encludet Ethernet-kabel.
4. Software BeoConnect
5. The Beomaster ist brand new from an B&O Dealer (But now the office is closed)
- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Is the supplied ethernet cable "straight through" or "cross over"?
You will need a cross over cable to connect two computers directly while the straight through cables are used to connect via routers/switches etc.
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.
- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 593
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
The cable that came with mine was a "straight through". Therefore (as Puncher said), you cannot connect it directly with the iMac, but you must connect both the iMac and BM5 to a router/switch/bridge... or get a "cross over" cable. The cross over cable should be fairly inexpensive ($20). Switches/routers/bridges start around $50 or so. If you know nothing about computer networking (nor care to), I'd recommend the "cross over" as there will most likely be some bit of configuration required with the other approach.
Then again, I've never used a "cross over" cable so I don't know what is involved with that... somewhere (in both approaches), the iMac and BM5 need to have an ip address assigned within their subnet masks to speak to one another. Also, you'll eventually want to connect the BM5 to the internet for software updates and N.Radio for which a "cross over" cable will not help.
- Joined on 07-04-2009
- Posts 42
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Thanks to Puncher and Stan for your answering. Now i will buy a cross over cable. Hope BS5 connect than to my iMac.
best regards
- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
A crossover cable should be unecessary - nearly all moderately new network adapters, switches and whatever have auto-crossover to detect which way a cable it wired.
In short, if the lights are on then that's not your issue.
In a peer to peer situation such as this, there's no DHCP server so your PC and BS5 IP addresses will not be assigned, and any default address may be in different ranges. You will need to set them both manually - as I don't have a BS5, I've no idea how you would go about doing that.
If you can work it out, set one to, say, and the other to and all should be well.
- Joined on 12-08-2007
- Finland
- Posts 5,808
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
In a peer to peer situation such as this, there's no DHCP server so your PC and BS5 IP addresses will not be assigned, and any default address may be in different ranges. You will need to set them both manually - as I don't have a BS5, I've no idea how you would go about doing that.
Windows has a silly thing called APIPA, which will auto-assign (hopefully) compatible IP configurations when a DHCP server can't be reached, and fixed settings haven't been made. I know zilch about Macs, but from a Google quickie, it seems MacOS supports it as well.
A reboot of both ends might be helpful...
- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Probably a stupid question, but I'm at the same place, what about the validation of this password ?? just leaving with the wheel or push any buton ??
When I push GO it valid the character, when I do a lon press on >> it leave but it doesn't work, my PC told me the password is wrong.
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70
- Joined on 05-23-2008
- Posts 156
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
OK, I found... this was a stupid question....
BV7-40, BL9, BL4000, BL2000, BV6-26, Beosound 5, Avant70
- Joined on 01-12-2008
- Posts 4
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
I also went the self-installation route.
A couple of things I learned:
1. The password on the BS5 by default is Upper Case. When you supply the password from the PC side after installing BeoPlayer the case must match the password set on the BS5.
2. I had to reinstall the BeoPlayer software to have another chance at supplying the BM5 password.
- Joined on 10-22-2009
- Bierbeek, Belgium
- Posts 9
Re: Password for Beomaster 5
Thanks for fast answer ! And where do I set the password, in the BS 5 you mean ?
/ Hans
select "mode" on bs 5, then focus on settings. RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, GO.
after the settings menu appeared, browse through the menus for the password section. enter the password, thatsit.
I also installed my BS5/BM5 myself, which would have been impossible without the information from this forum.
Now, in my case, just setting the password on BS5 was not "it". The entered password only became effective after having rebooted the BM5. You can reboot from the MAINTENANCE menu on the SERVICE MENU.
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