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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 04-15-2009 9:12 PM by Jonathan. 71 replies.

- Joined on 07-04-2007
- Somewhere Secret
- Posts 1,015

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
So - this is it..
This Special Award is for the person who has embodied the spirit of BeoWorld over the last 12 Months. Think of why you come on BeoWorld, why you like it, then think of what it is that makes it so unique amongst all the other sites on the internet. Then, think of the member you feel has done the most to make the site like this. Simple!
The BeoWorld Member of the Year 2009, the Star of BeoWorld, and now another legend in the annuls of BeoWorld History is...
Keith Saunders
I must say that Keith has been utterly invaluable not only to BeoWorld Members this year judging by your votes, but has been just as invaluable to BeoWorld itself as a website with the help and support he has provided. I may have a computer for a brain, but this man heats up my circuits to worrying temperatures when he starts to get technical. Not to worry though, if i overheat he could rebuild me with a splinter of wood and a stick of chewing gum if necessary such is his talent with anything technical!
On behalf of myself, Lee, the Moderating Team and of course the 10,000+ BeoWorld Members, many of whom voted for you! - three Cheers for Keith Saunders, and a huge congratulations for being BeoWorld Member of the Year 2009.
Raise a glass to yourself - you earned it, because the BeoWorld Members said so!
you wanna da prizes? I give a da prizes... Simples.

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Certainly more likely than hearing a sausage roll!
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 05-04-2007
- Posts 6,214

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
congrats to martin, andy, and keith!

- Joined on 04-28-2007
- Hull UK (again)
- Posts 693

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Very hearty congratulations to all. Can't say I disagree with any of those choices 
Я люблю Банг и Oлуфсен

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
The most deserved award of the night- well done Keith!
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 11-15-2007
- Tarragona (Catalonia)
- Posts 1,030

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congratulations, Keith!!
Well done. This forum can't be possible without your work.
Cheers, mate

- Joined on 06-13-2007
- Northern Ireland
- Posts 362

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congratulations Keith! Well deserved.

- Joined on 02-03-2008
- Posts 452

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congratulations to Keith and ALL WINNERS!!!!!!!!

- Joined on 04-01-2007
- Clitheroe, Lancashire, UK
- Posts 13,004

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
You are the best, Keith!!!!

Couldn't have been anybody else! Well done, and thank you for being you!


- Joined on 08-28-2007
- Nottingham
- Posts 628

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Well done Keith Congratulations!!
Well done everyone!!
Flappo The Grate

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 703

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
i'm amazed and humbled i even came 3r
thankyou the forum and thank you bno ! :)

- Joined on 03-29-2007
- Costa Del St Evenage
- Posts 4,855

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congatulation to all of the award winners. Just sorry I was not able to be there for it live.
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We
learned to talk and we learned to listen..

- Joined on 02-14-2007
- Copenhagen / Denmark
- Posts 5,008

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
I'm speechless...  I wasn't online when this went live and just realized that I missed the fun. Being busy in the lower sections, err.. I mean the sections at the lower part of the forum homepage, I didn't even realize that it had taken place.
It's a pleasure being here at Beoworld and I'm baffled to see that what I love doing so much is appreciated to this extent. A big thanks to all of you who voted for me and a big thanks to all members here at Beoworld for making it all possible.
Congratulations to all of the award winners, all seconds and thirds. Every one well deserved ! 
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
First, let start by thanking you all, not just the ones who very kindly voted for me, but everyone who comes to Beoworld and makes it the great site it is.
Also a very special thank you to Lee for all his hard work and the many long hours, planning, setting up and executing events such as the 10,000th member and these awards. Without Lee's work we would not be here talking about awards or discussing B&O related items.
I would also like to take the opportunity to offer a big "Thank You" to Peter who has not only been the mentor to Lee and many others, but has done so much to make Beoworld what it is today. The extensive manual library for example is entirely down to his efforts which is so valuable to members in resolving issues.
A special thanks and congratulations goes to Martin, Chris and the rest of the moderating team for all their efforts in supporting, you the Beoworld members.
I could not end without offering my congratulations to Andy and Puncher who's banter keeps us all on our toes and entertained 
Congratulations to all award winners and everyone for being part of Beoworld and I am really touched that so many of you voted for me.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Birkenhead, UK
- Posts 1,253

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Very well put Keith.
Congratulations to all the award winners and my thanks also to all the other people who keep me coming back to this site.

- Joined on 10-17-2007
- the Netherlands
- Posts 5,514

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congratulations to all of the award winners. You all deserved to win. 
Beoworld's twenty-eighth ninth prize winner and fifty-first second prize winner. Best £30 I've ever spent!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 2,340

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congratulations all! Good work, and well deserved.
(I see I should have entered my votes with Ladbroke's! Powers of precognition are strong ...)

- Joined on 02-18-2008
- Novi Sad, Serbia
- Posts 3,103

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
And for me also Congratulations for all of you !!!
I was little busy these days and I'm very sad that I couldn't be with you guys live, and share your joy ....
I'm very proud to be part of such a great community!!!
when your Black Label begin to taste like juice just take shot or two of Absinthe and
after that quench with some vodka, if you still feel juice like take beer
with grappa !

- Joined on 03-27-2007
- Nr. Durham, NE England.
- Posts 9,588

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
Congratulations all! Good work, and well deserved.
(I see I should have entered my votes with Ladbroke's! Powers of precognition are strong ...)
Do you use the plain-vanilla Force or the BeoForce?
Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

- Joined on 04-20-2007
- London
- Posts 282

Re: The BeoWorld Award Results - Live
well done Lee for pulling together some great people who very generously give their time up to answer virtually anything that gets thrown at them on the forums, the Beoworld site is a great place for anyone that needs to talk B&O, and get answers 24 hours a day