You might try and use the INFO feature available for each station.
In the N.RADIO mode, slide your mouse to the right until the Beo 4 appears. Click on the INFO option at the lower end of the Beo 4, and the choose HOMEPAGE.
Then slide your mouse to the left, and go through whatever option features you like: LANGUAGE, GENRE, COUNTRY, TITLE. When you find something you like, copy it to your PLAYLIST choice folders.
Ultimately, it is up to you, and what you like to listen to: The webpage design for each station is a good start, but you do have to sample the music.
The HOMEPAGE feature excells in downloading music. When you hear a track you like on one of your stations, go immediately to HOMEPAGE, and try and find the current playlist for the station you are listening to.
See if you can match the music to the playlist track ( occasionally there is a time lag between what you hear, and what you see listed ). If you are successful, then cut and paste the music track, or album to your downloading service, and go from there. We have about a 97 % hit rate with our service MP3 Fiesta, but be advised that the spelling must be spot on accurate to search.
We have discovered, downloaded, and enjoyed much more music that way, all enjoyed via BEOPLAYER and BEOPORT.