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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-27-2007 5:12 PM by soundproof. 2 replies.
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  • 05-27-2007 4:29 PM

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    B&O and DLNA

    Hi all,

    I noticed the other day that B&O is listed among the members of the industry consortium DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance,

    For those of you who are not familiar with this the consortium is creating standards for interoperability among home media devices. These standards are based on a normal computer network where media is stream using standard HTTP/IP protocols. There is also a control protocol that allows a client to e.g. browse the media stored on a server in the network, and then render the media itself or on another renderer in the network. This is based on all the media devices in the home being connected via a normal ethernet or WLAN.

    Does B&O membership in this organization mean that the next generation BeoLink will be based on this standard?

    Sony has just released a firmware update to their PS3 allowing it to interact with other devices in the network using this standard. Would this mean that I could use a PS3 connected to the HDMI port of my non-DLNA Beovision to access movies or music stored on a media server in my home network?

     Any information or qualified guesses would be highly appreciated!


  • 05-27-2007 4:40 PM In reply to

    Re: B&O and DLNA

    I only "think" B&O already uses the protocol for Beomedia for synchronising files coming from our cumputer files and for the automatic software updates to Beomedia.
    Promising technology!
    Regards, Robert
  • 05-27-2007 5:12 PM In reply to

    Re: B&O and DLNA

    I remember reading this a while ago, you'll find it interesting: 

    If you google: b&o ieee 34

    you'll find a whole bunch of links to research papers and similar dealing with the topic. 

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