Being a lover of the older pieces of equipment, I thought I would like to try my hand at a little bit of restoration. What I needed was something that I could practise on and would be fixable by some one with little knowledge but lots of enthusiasm. I recently came across exactly what I was looking for in a Beomaster 3000 that had all the usual faults but nothing too fatal wrong with it. It was left in a garage for 20 years after the volume got stuck on full. On opening it up, I found loads of dead creepy crawlies and that the volume slider had one of the small red pegs broken off that holds the slider. The peg was in there still so a bit of super glue fixed that and after a bit of playing with it is starting to come back to life. The switches are improving, now most of them work and when I get some contact cleaner I will give them all a good squirting.
But in the last couple of days I decided to have a go at the case. Here is how it was when I got it.

And after a bit of cleaning, sanding and Danish oil it is starting to look rather nice.

I will give it some new capacitors at some point when I am feeling brave and will also clean up the Beogram 1200 that came with it.
When done it will make a really nice looking system.