Hi Phult,
The system as you describe should be no pronblem at all. As a dealer we can make the BS5 virtually do anything you like, but we find the biggest mistake that people make is to try and make the Beo5 do too much from the start!!!!
The best results we have had is at first KSI(keep it simple) then add extra functionality as required. Only by living with the Beo5 will the customer work out his/her requirements.
IMHO the problems start when the dealer says they can do a fantastic programing job first time around and then for whatever reason cannot be bothered to reprogram or enquire how the end user is getting on or charge the earth for it when changes are required.
We actually sit with the customer in their own home first time around, whenever possible and program the remote with the clients sat right next to us!
If you require any more assistance please PM me.