Whilst, the Beo5 Configuration Tool no longer allows you to add icons to the number keys, they can still be added manually to your "Configuration.XML" file using an editor.
To do this you need to edit the "Configuration.XML file with a text editor such as Windows Notepad, then search for any image pointer such as the one below which starts <image stName=....
<image stName="AVANT" stFile="Images\Avant.bmp" />
Now add your pointers for all your numbers as I have done below for the number one above or below teh existing pointers
<image stName="one" stFile="images\logos\numbers\one.bmp" />
Carry on adding all ten pointers which make up 0 to 9
Now you have to add the following to each source_item at the end called stImage="one"
<source_item stName="\Digits\source1"
So, the full string for the number one will be with the added part highlighted in RED:-
<source_item stName="\Digits\source1" stCaption="1" stLeave="REL 1" nPage="1" nX="0" nY="70" stShortPressCommand="CIFFER_1" nRowFinal="3" nColumnFinal="0" stScreenType="0" nWidth="213" nHeight="25" nHidden="0" stImage="one" nNoCalculateIR="1" />
Do the same for each number and save the file and then go into the Beo5 Configuration Tool and you will see the logos