Goodafternoon ladies and gentlemen
I picked up a beautiful Beogram 1203 on ebay 2 days ago. It was pretty cheap so I guessed there would be a catch but I like fixing things and I just thought the pickup looked so damn good to just leave it there.
Anyway, it plays too slow. I tried the pitch or adjustmen wheel on the left side but that only made me make it slower, not faster. I fould 2 little holes on the bottom with screws inside. The mentioned 30/25 and 17. I guessed this could be for tweaking the speed but that only changed the position for where the needle lands when I press the Lift button. Allthough yesterday it got to the right speed eventually (?) but It slowed down again after a while.
I tried opening it - couldn't resist it - and noticed the belt looked intact and again I couldn't resist checking the rest out. I am carefull with this things though but maybe I did something wrong, When I closed everything down and tried once again it just even went slower then before. Maybe when I took of the belt I made it even worse... So my guess is that the belt just needs replacement. But I wanted to know what you guys - and I hope experts - think. Could it be the motor also? How can I know?
And... where can I order a new belt/motor if I have to. I live in Belgium, there is a B&O shop here in Ghent, I allready mailed them but got no reply yet (it's sunday offcourse).
Sorry for any mistakes in my english and I hope you can help me!