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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 12-22-2008 10:35 AM by Razlaw. 8 replies.
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  • 12-18-2008 2:14 PM

    Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    We have a pair of Beolab 6000s purchased in 2000. They were used as front speakers with our Avant until about 2003 when they were moved to the rear. Earlier this year they were moved to a link room and used only occasionally for music. They have not been used for about a month as I disconnected them from the powerlink in aticipation of reconnecting them to our Avant which was moved into the link room several months ago. They did remain plugged into the power. Today I finally got around to running the masterlink cable to the Avant and reconnected the 6000s to it.

    All works fine except the speakers makes a very loud popping noise, one loud pop, when in the sound menu changing from one item to another. Also, when turning the system off it makes the loud popping noise just before the light goes from green to red. I have tried connecting the powerlink to both inputs on the speaker as well as both front outputs on the Avant with no change in the problem.  When the volume is turned down the pop also occurs as the volume level hits zero. I connected a Beolab 4000 to the cables and had the same problem. Also tried different power cords and different powerlink cables as well as plugging it in to a different outlet.  The popping remains the same volume regardless of the volume the system is set to play. If I set the Avant to just play through its internal speaker there is no popping and everything works fine.

    Any thoughts? 


    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

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    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-18-2008 6:09 PM In reply to

    • Alex
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    It's an Avant issue by the sounds of things, possibly the DSM, but I would leave that up to your dealer to decide! It's going to need a service unfortunately Sad

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  • 12-18-2008 6:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    Thanks....that is what I was afraid of.

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-19-2008 6:23 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    checked with service today, you were correct, it needs repairing.

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-21-2008 9:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    Have now determined that the popping is only present in the front speakers. Rears function fine. Is that indicative of anything in particular?

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-22-2008 3:00 AM In reply to

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    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    I had the same problem, it was fixed by replacing the powerlink cables. Double check all your connections again.
  • 12-22-2008 8:59 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    Thanks!  But I have used the same powerlink cables when connecting the speakers to the rear. I just unplugged them from the front output  and plugged into the rear output.  Is it possible the front outputs are damaged in some way?

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

  • 12-22-2008 9:42 AM In reply to

    • Dave
    • Top 50 Contributor
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    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    I seem to remember you had a humming issue with the AVANT a long while back with the rears didn't you? It sounds like you are in need of a new dolby module, i see them float on ebay from time to time so keep your eyes peeled eh? Smile

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  • 12-22-2008 10:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Beolab 6000 propblem/popping

    You have a good memory. I had actually forgotten about that as we never did anything about it. There was a very slight hum from the rear Beolab 1s when they were hooked up to the Avant. I need to see if the hum is still present now that the 1s are connected to a BV7. 

    Beovision 7-55 with Beolab 7-4, 9s and 4000s

    Beovision 10-40 with Beolab 1s and 6000s

    Beosound 1, 5, 2000, and 3000

    Beotime, Beotalk, Beocoms

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