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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 12-16-2008 6:57 AM by moxxey. 23 replies.
12-15-2008 5:25 AM

- Joined on 10-12-2008
- Posts 89

BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Hello folks, I've been a member for not that long but am loving the Bang & Olufsen Family Forums. I own a Beo Sound 9000 with 8000 speakers and think its the best purchase Ive ever made, so thank you B&O! I have now decided to invest in a 40" LCD but have a huge problem deciding as having visited my local B&O shop, I really did'nt like the picture! Awefull thing to say I know! But, in my defence, the salesman had a football game on and everytime the ball was played the ball would "Smear" across the screen, any any player moving in a fast way did the same! My current picture tube tv has a much better quality to the picture. I admit that when the salesman put on a channel with slow movements, the picture looked pretty good, but I love sports and my living room cant handle anything bigger than 40". Does smearing happen to all B&O LCD's? Is anyone else seeing this or did I just get unlucky demonstration?

- Joined on 11-28-2007
- London
- Posts 602

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
i guess its a bit true, something to do with the Hz of the tv... whilst there are 200Hz tvs around, B+O stuck at 50/60Hz

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
It's pretty typical of a LCD to smear. Beo don't exactly use the newest screens either.
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- Joined on 10-12-2008
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Why are'nt they including 200hz yet?

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
scottyltd:Why are'nt they including 200hz yet?
Why did it take them ages to get HDMI, and full HD screens...?
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 11-28-2007
- London
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
they might do in the future... MK IV perhaps?

- Joined on 10-12-2008
- Posts 89

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Good question! I'm wondering now whether B&O really are geared up for the future like they used to be! Anyone have any thoughts on this?

- Joined on 12-11-2007
- Helsinki, Finland
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
scottyltd:Good question! I'm wondering now whether B&O really are geared up for the future like they used to be! Anyone have any thoughts on this?
In my opinion, no.
BLab5, BLab5000, BLab8000, BV10, BS9000, BS3, Beo5, Beo4, BLink1000, BLink5000, BLink7000, A2, A8, Form2

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 43

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
yesterday i saw at my dealers all a 7-40 mkI, mkIII and 7-32. I was impressed with the screen on the mk III but the mkI was awful. my problem is different as i want a b&o full HD 32" screen.............

- Joined on 11-28-2007
- London
- Posts 602

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Well, To be honest, I wouldnt want them to constantly be changing anyway! I would be really annoyed if my brand new TV was out of date months after I bought it. If they kept on changing, we would never buy them. They just need to reach to a stage that they are really really good. With regards to my BV740mk3 its nearly there: - 4 HDMI
- 1080P
- Built-In DVD player
- DDS 7.1 or whatever
Thats all pretty much future proof for me! I dont need a bluray player on it, Sony invented it so they will do a better job than B+O in implementing it! When I updated my tv from 4.24 to 5.02, it was done under warrenty, but because ive moved to paris, i had to pay 70 EUR for some engineer to come over to my house and install it. Renting out a limo for 2 hours wont cost you that. Imagine what happens when the Bluray standard changes? 70 EUR again and again? So whats left, the 120Hz screen. INstall or upgrade that, then the BV7, IN MY OPINION, is perfect!

- Joined on 11-28-2007
- London
- Posts 602

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
mhoutman, just wait, dont even touch the BV7-32. full HD isnt a problem i think, its that lonely DVI connection that is a complete joke!

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Check with the dealer whether it was a mk2 or a mk3! The mk2 does smear a little, whilst the mk3 doesn't at all (although there is still a little motion juddering, but it's minimal).
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- Joined on 04-14-2007
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Alex:Check with the dealer whether it was a mk2 or a mk3! The mk2 does smear a little, whilst the mk3 doesn't at all
Yes it does. It's quite clear on fast-moving football, for example. Ok, it's no way near as bad as my old MKI BV7-32, but it definitely does 'smear' slightly. There's a far bit of blur around the ball as the scan can't keep up with the movement.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
moxxey: Alex:Check with the dealer whether it was a mk2 or a mk3! The mk2 does smear a little, whilst the mk3 doesn't at all
Yes it does. It's quite clear on fast-moving football, for example. Ok, it's no way near as bad as my old MKI BV7-32, but it definitely does 'smear' slightly. There's a far bit of blur around the ball as the scan can't keep up with the movement.
Do you get that on all sources or just on HD or SD? I must admit I've never actually noticed it when watching any BeoVision 7-40 mk3, but I do see some juddering during fast motion.
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- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Alex:Do you get that on all sources or just on HD or SD? I must admit I've never actually noticed it when watching any BeoVision 7-40 mk3, but I do see some juddering during fast motion.
It happens on both and it's more obvious on HD. It's an LCD issue (and a 50Hz issue). However, it *is* definitely better with the MKIII than previous models, thanks to the BS3. However, even on HD the camera panning and fast-moving ball can cause a smear. It's as if the screen can't refresh quickly enough, thus misses frames to keep up. I watched football on an old Beovision 1 the other day, through SD. I forgot how good old CRT is, even with an analogue signal. You wouldn't seen any 'smearing' on an Avant.

- Joined on 11-28-2007
- London
- Posts 602

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
Personally, it doesnt bother me much; worse case is that you just have to wait 2 years or so down the line and upgrade the LCD screen (not the TV) for a new one.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
timhanna:Personally, it doesnt bother me much; worse case is that you just have to wait 2 years or so down the line and upgrade the LCD screen (not the TV) for a new one.
I'd agree. Doesn't annoy me at all - I'm used to it. Also, it's much better than my old MKI BV7-32. By far.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Brisbane, Australia
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
moxxey: Alex:Do you get that on all sources or just on HD or SD? I must admit I've never actually noticed it when watching any BeoVision 7-40 mk3, but I do see some juddering during fast motion.
It happens on both and it's more obvious on HD. It's an LCD issue (and a 50Hz issue). However, it *is* definitely better with the MKIII than previous models, thanks to the BS3. However, even on HD the camera panning and fast-moving ball can cause a smear. It's as if the screen can't refresh quickly enough, thus misses frames to keep up. I watched football on an old Beovision 1 the other day, through SD. I forgot how good old CRT is, even with an analogue signal. You wouldn't seen any 'smearing' on an Avant.
Until B&o can catch up with their LCD's (don't care how they do it - just do it, it's becoming an embarrassing thing to read), long live the CRT's.
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”
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- Joined on 04-19-2007
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
timhanna:Personally, it doesnt bother me much; worse case is that you just have to wait 2 years or so down the line and upgrade the LCD screen (not the TV) for a new one.
Given B&O past record of upgradeability- best of luck with your view!
Flappo The Grate

- Joined on 04-16-2007
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
yes , it's all well and good bno and it's dealers etc blaming lcd technology for the problems on some bno tv's . but there's been 100hz and now 200hz sets for over a year now you pay a premium price , you expect a premium product , well i do anyway they desperately need to get the internals up to match the externals no point in looking so futuristic and high tech if the guts are 3 years behind the rest of the field tbh THAT'S why bno are in such a predicament imo it's not just the price , it's the view that their products are all show and not much go , and i'm afraid a lot of the new stuff enforces that prejudice the bv9 with a recorder that can only record the channel youre watching is quite frankly unforgivable for a £15,000 flagship product , the bv7 40 with an out of date blurry lcd is a bit much and the bv8 with just one hdmi and no built in freeview no wonder their sets aren't selling

- Joined on 02-14-2007
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
scottyltd - get yourself a non-HD BeoVision 5 if you want as near as dammit to CRT without breaking the bank or having to worry about future proofing for now. Use it for 2-3 years whilst you're waiting and sell it for most of what you paid for it.. they are ridiculously cheap now and they really are a fabulous set. My own opinion about LCD is the same as everyones. The Mk1 was garbage for sport, Mk2 better, but they have almost nailed it with the Mk3. I'd say 3-5 years and LCD will be every bit as good as CRT. Lee
BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

- Joined on 05-09-2008
- Posts 213

Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
100Hz or 200Hz isn't necessary at all. Most CRTs were only 50/60Hz up until quite late in their development, and there was no blurring. The difference was less of a 'flickering'. People strive to get 24fps for their films, which is 24Hz - which is what they're recorded in. There's no flicker on LCD or Plasma, as they don't scan the screen in the same way. The screen only changes when required. The issue with LCDs is response time - the amount of time it takes for pixels to change from black to white (or whatever measurement they use - grey to grey, or time to rise). If the response time is too slow, then (for example) as something bright moves across a dark background at speed, then it will leave a blur as the pixels are too slow to change.

- Joined on 04-14-2007
- South West, UK
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Re: BeoVision 7 40" LCD Smearing
9 LEE:My own opinion about LCD is the same as everyones. The Mk1 was garbage for sport, Mk2 better, but they have almost nailed it with the Mk3. I'd say 3-5 years and LCD will be every bit as good as CRT.
Is that 3-5 years for B&O or LCD technology? :) I'd guess the former? I think the BV7-40 MKIV should be near perfect for my requirements, based on what's been discussed. It should have a 100Mhz updated panel, better refresh rate, Blu-ray player etc. Now, I can only wish they'll have sorted the TV sw problems by then and we'll be happy..
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