My loverly Beogram 8002 as started to act up.
The tone arm will not drop, tone arm moves to correct position but will not drop, also servo sensor not being activated.
( I think the Solenoid Coil and Servo Sensor are powered from the same source )
I opened the case, to check wiring Etc, 1 out of 20 times it works OK, Solenoid Coil and Servo Assy powered.
But will never work with the case closed.
Dose anybody know the test points on the 5 incoming wires on the Servo assy.
I did download the service manual, but I am not great at electronic's and did not understand it.
I did a search and came up with this post:
So to answer Dillen questions:
The Arm dose move to the correct position and hovers above the record.
Sensor light under Sensor Arm (white light) is OK.
Thanks Brian.
Ottawa, Canada.