plasticpigeon: Many thanks, and yes the radio gets a lot louder just off the signal strength peak although the stereo light doesn't come on. I have to admit, I know nothing about radios, but I have the circuit diagram and can locate these coils, they are in a section encased by a metal box. Can I align them just by trial and error???
Don't do that! Tweaking here and there usually is not successfull, and once you have everything out of alignment, you need the service manual and lots of measuring equipment to get it right again.
However, if you make good notes of the settings how they are now and carefully try only one coil at a time, you might find where the problem is. The coil cores are usually sealed in position by nail polish like lacquer, you might see if some of them have cracked (moved) already since factory or if somebody has been there before you.
Don't use a metal tool for tweaking - it will affect the tuning by its presence, and will very easily crack the brittle ferrite cores. Make a tool from plastic or hard wood, or try to get one made for this purpose from a good electronics shop.
This was just general experience, Dillen can continue with Beomaster 6000 specifics - I have never even seen one