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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-22-2007 11:03 AM by Tom. 7 replies.
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  • 05-18-2007 7:35 AM

    • Tom
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Why BeoLab?

    Does anybody know if there is a meaning behind the name Beolab. I suppose that BeoVox = Beo + Vox for Voice. Most of the other BeoNames make sense somehow. But BeoLab?

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

  • 05-18-2007 9:00 AM In reply to

    Re: Why BeoLab?

    Yes the meaning is Loudspeaker with Amplifier Built in

    Beolab !! 

    This may be completely wrong, but it kind of makes sense lol.

    Anybody know where "beolit" comes from?

  • 05-18-2007 9:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Why BeoLab?

    I imagine lit is for lightweight - or lit as in carrying - hence portable. Beolab was used first for the Beolab 5000 I believe, which was just an amplifier.
  • 05-18-2007 9:31 AM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: Why BeoLab?

    Not to mention Beolab 150/200 :)

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 05-18-2007 10:59 AM In reply to

    • jonnyb
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    Re: Why BeoLab?

    I believe Beolit was named because the first model was made from Bakelite
  • 05-22-2007 8:46 AM In reply to

    • Christian
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    Re: Why BeoLab?

    I believe Beolit was named because the first model was made from Bakelite

    That is correct!


    But why does some products have names, e.g. Penta, Ouverture and Avant, while most just have a number??

    Living room: BV7-40 mkIV + V8000, BL5, BL3, BM1 and BS9000. Bedroom: MX3000 and BL4500 on MCL2-AV. Around: PentaIII, CX100 and MCX35 on ML/MCL + MCL2-A, BeoPort and BL4 on ML, BS3300 + M75 as stand alone, BC6000 + BC600 and BT1100, LC1, LC2, Beo4, Beo5 and BL1000, BS2 and A8, EarSet2, Apron, Coffee mugs, Enamel Bagdes, Bath towel, Keyring, Books, Lots of miniature and the Bottle opener. Office: BC2300 + BL2500 and BS3. Summer house: BS Century.

    Addicted? Oh no.... ;)

  • 05-22-2007 10:01 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Why BeoLab?


    I believe Beolit was named because the first model was made from Bakelite

    That is correct!


    But why does some products have names, e.g. Penta, Ouverture and Avant, while most just have a number??

    Penta is quite obvious from the 5 sided shape of the cabinets - as for the rest??????Tongue Tied



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 05-22-2007 11:03 AM In reply to

    • Tom
    • Top 25 Contributor
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    Re: Why BeoLab?


    I believe Beolit was named because the first model was made from Bakelite

    That is correct!


    But why does some products have names, e.g. Penta, Ouverture and Avant, while most just have a number??

    Penta is quite obvious from the 5 sided shape of the cabinets - as for the rest??????Tongue Tied



    ouverture seems to be quite obvious too: ouverture comes from "ouvrir" with means "to open" in frensh

    Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. - Berthold Auerbach

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