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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-17-2008 10:37 AM by mor. 55 replies.
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  • 11-17-2008 2:11 AM In reply to

    • Alex
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    Re: Embedded Windows XP in Beosound 5????

    Agreed! I would like to know why it can't be considered high-end audio. B&O have designed the sound chips themselves, as well as the volume controls and output stages - they've taken it all very seriously. With Lossless, it could potentially sound better than a lot of CD players. As for BeoLab 5s, it has a digital output, meaning the sound will be identical to using a CD as long as you use Lossless. I expect you would struggle to hear any difference with 320 kbps MP3!

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  • 11-17-2008 3:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Embedded Windows XP in Beosound 5????

    I remember that I read somewhere that the sound quality of the latest iteration of Windows has better sound performance than a Mac OS. So guess it's okay. You guys should know that Mac don't really support HD 24bit audio well right? 
  • 11-17-2008 6:13 AM In reply to

    Re: Embedded Windows XP in Beosound 5????

    I remember that I read somewhere that the sound quality of the latest iteration of Windows has better sound performance than a Mac OS. So guess it's okay. You guys should know that Mac don't really support HD 24bit audio well right? 

    I don't know if there is a difference between the sound quality of an Apple OS and that of a MS OS. I think that would be subjective. However, I would be pretty certain in wagering that the BS5 does not have the cheapest SoundBlaster inside and that the Codec would have been tweaked to give the "B&O sound" if the combination of OS and processor were not right in the first place.


    On the other extreme, the whole unit could have been custom made and be of very high quality. Regardless, it's one of the technical's that B&O should be advertising (rather than specs) to discern it from the crowd.



  • 11-17-2008 7:14 AM In reply to

    • mor
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    Re: Embedded Windows XP in Beosound 5????

    To me a High-End Audio System from B&O must not only give best in audio play-back but has to be high-end in usability. An Audio system that can no longer be remote-controlled with all key functionalities here clearly fails. Having to get up from my sofa to control the system because the rich visual interface feedback is not available but from anywhere else but in front of the machine is a step back to me.

    I do not buy B&O because I want High-End Audio only - or High-End Video only. I want best in usability, design and compatibility with existing equipment ... to be honest very good Audio and Video is enough for me. The other aspects are more important. Otherwise I would have a collection of independent components like so many "audiophiles" do 

  • 11-17-2008 9:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Embedded Windows XP in Beosound 5????

    I would argue that every single audio machine made in the last 20 years has had the same features you do not seem to like. Every machine from the Beosystem 5000 to 8000, Beocenter 9000 series to the Overture and so on has had as a key function, a presence for the user to interact with it directly. Sure, they can all be controlled by remote control to select a source, track-up, track-down etc…. Everything the BS5 does. Wanna change a tape or an LP or a CD? How do you do that? With the remote?


    The BS5 is the same. Big deal. The essence of B&O is surely with the direct interaction. That is why they have novel mechanisms, material finishes, hidden buttons etc…Otherwise, it would not be B&O and you may as well keep it hidden away in the cupboard.

    I have no doubt electrically, electronically and mechanically the BS5 could have been made to do all things to all men. Reading the interview of Oliver Wallington it is clear to me that they made choices. These could be right or wrong choices but probably defendable in one form or another. Take your point, the head unit for example:-


    Two major issues I can see:-

    First, illuminating a 10.4inch LCD for lengthy a period of time. Great if you’re using it as a big remote with a 20 second dim but if you really wanna play how long will it last? How long would a laptop last out of its charger? 4 hours, 8hours a day? How long would the battery keep a decent life with that power output? I know I go through a laptop battery once a year so forking out ££££’s for a replacement would not be a good idea. What if I forget to recharge? Would I have to get of my a*** and use it on the charger?


    Second issue. Say I do take my wifi enabled battery operated head unit around the house with me. I listen to music in the bedroom. Door bell rings and friends come to visit. I leave the head unit on the bed while I answer the door. We chat, drink tea etc… Someone suggests music? Ah! Where did I leave that head unit? Uncool. Better get the Beo4.


    Finally, if you really want to sit on the sofa, use the Beomaster 5/TV option. It’s kinda called Beomedia 2 and will save you a couple of thousand Euros and solve most of your problems you foresee in this device.




  • 11-17-2008 10:37 AM In reply to

    • mor
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Embedded Windows XP in Beosound 5????

    I had a Beosystem 6500 with the MCP and liked it.

    I had (still have) the Beosystem 7000 with Beolink 7000 and like it...

    I had the Beosound Ouverture first with Beolink 5000 then with Beo 4 and liked it (the Beolink 500 was poorly built though) ...

    I had the Beosound 9000 with Beo 4 and liked it. 

    I now have the Beocenter 2 with a Beo 4 Cinema and like it.

    So it's not like you suppose that I could have  argueably been unsatisfied with earlier systems and their corresponding remotes. If they would have made the Beo 5 two-way, I would have understood where it's going. If the Beosound 5 would be a wireless head unit, I would have understood as well. (and mind you, we all end up looking for remotes eventually - and modern laptops last 3-5 hours easily, so I cannot accept that arguement either) I am disappointed because I had really hoped for a sound concept, which I fail entirely to see here.

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