Hi Craig,
the service manual is on site for silver & gold members. To be honest for the work involved you could simply use an a adptor lead but I do understand you wanting to restore the Beogram to original - it's criminal the way people change these turntables to RCA. There's no real need for it and it seems to be quite common in the USA for some reason.
Din connectors are available from most electrical components retailers, you really only need a 5 pin one for your turntable. Same goes for DIN/RCA adaptor leads. Or there are plenty for sale on ebay - HERE'S one example which will allow you to connect to a B&O amp as your turntable is at present (you may need to run a seperate earth/ground cable though to prevent humming).
The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.