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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-26-2008 4:19 AM by Medogsfat. 1 replies.
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  • 09-25-2008 4:50 PM

    • dwwdww
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    Beosystem 5000 - Aluminum Panels On Top Of Units

    I have Beomaster 5000 and Begram CD 50 components that could use refinishing or replacement of the aluminum panels on the tops of the unit enclosures.  Can anyone advise on how to refinish these panels, or where replacements might be available? 
  • 09-26-2008 4:19 AM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
    • Top 10 Contributor
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    Re: Beosystem 5000 - Aluminum Panels On Top Of Units

    Obviously parts for these are no longer available which leaves you with 2 options.

    1. Look for broken but cosmetically sound units and replace the cabinets - not likely to happen to be honest as most will have scratches of one degree or another.

    2. Find a local sheet metal fabrication company and get them to cut you some replacement thin brushed alu' sheet. Easy enough to replace as they are only stuck on with double sided adhesive tape. It is unlikely that they will be able to match the original finish though so you will need to weigh up the pro's & con's but this is likely to be your best option.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

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