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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 11-06-2008 11:49 AM by thorne. 12 replies.
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  • 09-25-2008 4:52 AM

    • Rolf
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    Beoport 4.83 released

    Version 4.83 is now released on the main B&O site. No information as to which improvements/fixes are implemented apart from stating that it is an improved 4.82 version.

     Will be installing tonight to see if there are any noticable differences.


  • 09-25-2008 9:51 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoport 4.83 released


    This morning I installed Beoport version 4.83 without problems

    I am informed that there are several issues resolved including:-

    1. When ripping of one or more tracks on a CD which fails due to media or similar, an error message is now displayed listing the number and tracks that failed. Previously there was no messages or feedback to the user, so you would previously had assumed everything was fine.
    2. If user registration of BeoPort or BeoPlayer onto BeoPortal fails, a message is now shown informing the user of the exact problem. You may have recalled just a week or so ago on Beoworld I looked into just this problem for a member when trying to register and he got no error message, well apparently it is now fixed.
    3. If you used BeoPort CD to do the Installation, the program did not respond.
    4. XP -SP3: Cover art requires refresh in Album view to be displayed. 
    5. BeoPlayer: Intermittently shut down after changing to Album view. 
    6. Using Windows Vista Ultimate the user submit screen is displayed twice when inserting an unrecognised CD. 
    7. Using Windows Vista Ultimate the mass storage root folder was not visible in BeoPlayer. 
    8. Configuration window continues to run even when BeoPlayer and tray are closed. 
    9. Sound could be heard even when the control bar shows VOL 00. 
    10. Windows Vista Enterprise version had Incorrect icon shown for mass storage device.
    11. In Windows Vista Enterprise version Information is placed on top of the Guide.

    For me the most important problem resolved relates to new users trying to register after installing Beoport

    Regards Keith....

  • 09-25-2008 2:27 PM In reply to

    • Rolf
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    Thanks for the info Keith and my installation this evening seems to be working fine. Do you have any information as to new supported PC TV cards in coming versions of BeoPort. The "current" list of supported cards is outdated to say the least.

     Kind regards


  • 09-25-2008 3:17 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoport 4.83 released


    I have heard nothing about updated TV cards and frankly I don't expect to see any in the near future.

    Regards Keith....

  • 09-26-2008 3:04 AM In reply to

    • Spiros
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    Dear friends,

     I also installed the 4.83 version yesterday and I have to congratulate B&O for the solution they gave at least to my problem.

    On August, I installed a Crypto Mpeg4 TV card where I did receive two error messages and after that it worked fine as long as you did not switch it off. After that there were various problems such as hearing the TV sound while playing N.Music etc.

    I submitted to Beocare the type of the card and suprisingly by yesterday with the upgrade everything works perfectly alright!!

    My opinion is that when you submit such a problem to Beocare they obviously check it and they upgrade the software. I guess they just do not update the list of compatible cards!  

    Best regards


  • 10-07-2008 6:20 AM In reply to

    • JOV
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    Hi Beoworlders,

    ok. I installed 4.83 on my Win XP System successfully. No probs with installation, I made a new scan, everthing works (even N.Radio).

    Good news: N.Music doesn't need 80-90% processor power anymore. It's like media player now: something around 2-5% (on an 3 GHz P4-System).

    Bad News: Most of the album-covers are gone. I replaced the automatically generated cover thumbs with higher resolution ones. To do this, I stored the tracks of an album in an individual folder and put one jpg-cover-file in this folder and deleted the automatically generated cover-thumbs. This worked fine with 4.6. But these covers are no longer displayed. Most tracks have no cover anymore.

    Can anybody explain, how to bring Beoport to display individual covers again? 

    BTW: the cover assignment is really faulty (and was). Example: I have one folder with mixed files from various artists. All tracks will get the same cover. Really annoying. 

    Regards, Jens 

  • 10-07-2008 11:58 AM In reply to

    • SWISS_2
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    Hallo Joy:

    4.83 Album covers: There are two steps you might consider for your HD albums cover installation.

    1. If you have and use Media Player in your XP setup, copy each HD picture from the photo file you mention, and select paste album art, pasting each picture on top of the album itself in Media Player. When you then close this program, and then open N.Music to scan, it should associate and add your new HD covers. It may take a few scans to do this depending upon the amount of covers you add, and you may change them as you like this way.

    2. The second step is to add each HD cover to each album file as a JPEG, close and then scan again with N.Music.

    One can make individual album art ( covers ) this way, using your own stock of HD pictures, or something more appropriate to the music title, downloaded off the internet. The photo art can be regionalized, or even funny. ( Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, using a Weinheber mit Laterne photo, or perhaps Mr. Bean On Holiday, for Debussy, etc.).

    It is up to your choice and imagination.

    HD photos for album covers are a noticeable improvement using a BV 8, 37, 42, or 50 inch screens. However, high meg photos (over 300) although looking significantly better, in turn do use more space.

    I hope this is helpful.


  • 10-08-2008 8:43 AM In reply to

    • JOV
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released


    Thanks a lot for the information. I'm not sure, if I did it right: If I add a higher resolution cover in MediaPlayer to an album, MediaPlayer automatically integrates this cover into each mp3-file in the album folder. Every single mp3-file will get the date of today and will be a little bigger.

    But the integrated jpg is just a low resolution-version. The result: the cover still looks ugly!
    I found no way, to integrate the original higher resolution jpg. 

    Do I anything wrong! Missed something? I use MediaPlayer 11 and Win-XP.

    As I said before: The older BeoPort V 2.x automatically scanned the JPG files in my album folder and displayed them as high res cover art. Now it seems to be, that it referes to the mp3-internal low res jpgs.

    Any idea, how to add high res covers to a mp3 file?

    Thanks, Kind Regards, Jens

    EDIT/ADDITIONAL NOTE: I found a free tool to edit ID-Tags. With this tool you can add high res covers to your mp3-files. These files will be displayed with the new BeoPort software! Ok, it's a little annoying, that it doesn't work automatically like before, but anyway...

    Here's the link:



  • 10-08-2008 4:11 PM In reply to

    • SWISS_2
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    Hallo Joy;

    You are correct; Beoport does not display large megapixel photos very well beyond the PHOTO option. I shoot HD ( 3500 x 2000 + ) shots, and only scale such photos down for document inserts, or email. I usually take them off and store them on DVD blanks each month as they can start slow down the PC or my MAC. ( I've switched back to DVD as I've already misplaced a Sony wallet of 8 memory pro duo sticks of data ).

    Agreed that the photos could look display better, beyond the display sizes found with N.MUSIC - INFO, and the smaller version of N.MUSIC. But none of us use that option much, even on our BV8 or Plasma. N. MUSIC or N.RADIO is primarily background audio while I work on something else.

    I'm sure you already know that XP MEDIA CENTRE can be run on My Pictures at the same time My Music, or Beoport music is running, and will display full HD photos and HD video. It works for me while editing, and if I need to see which music artist, or track is playing, I just bump the right side with the mouse and hit INFO.

    It will be interesting to see the new BS 5 whenever it debuts, and what lies in store for future technological possibilities regarding video and photo display.

  • 10-15-2008 6:32 PM In reply to

    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    They has taken the feature out to record from CD directly to Beosound 2. I think the feature was removed at around version 4.6. Has it been put back in? This feature is very important to me. I literally cannot use it without this feature.



  • 10-25-2008 4:19 PM In reply to

    • kimhav
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    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    Question; I've earlier have had problem with the cover images that it slows down the system and as well there was earlier limit of how many cover images the software could cache. Has this feature been improved or is it possible to disable the image function for albums?

  • 10-26-2008 6:43 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoport 4.83 released


    There is a album image cache which you can set in the configuration settings. About 10 standard images will fit into 1MB of cache, so provided you have lots of disk space set it to a large number.

    The only time when it potentially slows down the system is when it is waiting for it to download a new image(s), once you have all the images there is no noticeable effect on PC performance.

    From a users standpoint, I am not aware of a way to actually turn the facility off, certainly not via the configuration panel.

    Regards Keith....

  • 11-06-2008 11:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Beoport 4.83 released

    I could't agree more, the thoroughbred, it was a really useful feature which should be reinstated immediately
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