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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-12-2007 7:44 PM by Morgan. 2 replies.
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  • 05-12-2007 6:46 PM

    Music from my PC...

    What is the best B&O solution? I am confused by BeoPort and BeoMedia, it seems they do the same thing? I can stick with my PC and Windows Media Player or I could buy a Mac and use iTunes. Of course I could use iTunes on the PC but I am not like that, I prefer to keep Apple with Apple and PC with PC so to speak. Bottom line, having bought a BV7-40 with the horizontal speaker under it, what should I now consider in terms of playing music from my Toshiba laptop (or new Mac if I bought one) through the BV7-40 speaker?

     Cheers, Simon.

    "We can rebuild him. We have the technology." 7-40, 7-2, 9000, BS3, BC2, LC2, BC6000, Beo5
  • 05-12-2007 7:28 PM In reply to

    • symmes
    • Top 200 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-21-2007
    • Freedonia
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    Re: Music from my PC...

    With BeoPort you can use your Beo4 to control the music on your hard drive and internet radio via the sensor on your BV7.  $500 US and some masterlink.  I think it is a great Bang & Olufsen value.  I rip MP3s at 192 encoded with LAME with outstanding results.  I have over 100 CDs on my laptop.

    BeoMedia stores all your music and digital pictures on its own hard drive.  A much more elegant solution and priced accordingly.   

    Let the Apple fans speak for themselves.



  • 05-12-2007 7:44 PM In reply to

    Re: Music from my PC...

    100 CDs is a little amount of CDs. Real CDs lovers has more than 1000 at least, and you need one (or two) hard drive, external or internal, to store them.

     In my opinion the combination of MacMini+BeoPort+external hard drive is the best solution. You can have the BeoPort+MacMini in the main room, and the hard drive conected to an airpot express in another room. The MacMini and the hard drive will conect via wifi. This is what I´m going to do.

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