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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 09-15-2008 6:35 PM by bsantini. 2 replies.
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  • 09-01-2008 9:41 AM

    Problems getting clients connected to BM1

    Hi!  I've just joined as a gold member after lurking for about a year.  The problem I've got is with my BV9 w/ BM1 and restoring a connection to a client.  When I first set it all up with my MAC, it was no problem.  Then, I experienced after a few months long periods of time where no connection to cmy MAC client could be reestablished.  The, one day, it was fine for a day, and then not, which is the situation I'm in now. It good to know that I am using a wireless connection between all, with the B&O sourced wireless card.

    I''ve gone through extensive troubleshooting on my own, and with BeoCare US (they're very helpful!). There are no known firewall issues. I subsequently disconnected my Mac client, and installed the client on my PC.  Same error messge indicating no connection could be established. I've rechecked all BM1 settings an passwords. The only thing I see is that the WAN key screen on the BM1 will not save the key I enter (WEP128), but BM1 still connects wirelessly to the router and is on line.


    Any ideas?




  • 09-12-2008 6:09 PM In reply to

    Re: Problems getting clients connected to BM1

    PLEASE, Anybody to help me?



  • 09-15-2008 6:35 PM In reply to

    OK! Fixed it!

    Here's what it took:

    1. Changed router for a newer model (Still used "g" bandwidth")

    2. Stayed with "WEP-64 bit" encryption

    3. Reset wireless card in Beomedia to "Restore defaults", then re-enbled file & printer sharing.

    4. Voila! no problems with connecting any single client, MAC or otherwise.




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