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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-24-2008 9:37 AM by gk31ax. 29 replies.
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  • 08-23-2008 3:18 AM In reply to

    Re: Beovision 3 or Avant

    You need a 4400! In my view, even nicer to listen to! I have fewer these days - 900, a couple of 5500s, 7000, 8000 and 4400. 4401 and Beolab 5000 to come soon! Lee has my 6000 quad - wonderful looking but not that great sounding. The late 6000 is similar to the 4400 in electronic design - how do you find it compares to the 8000?
  • 08-23-2008 5:08 AM In reply to

    Re: Beovision 3 or Avant

    Peter :
    You need a 4400! In my view, even nicer to listen to! I have fewer these days - 900, a couple of 5500s, 7000, 8000 and 4400. 4401 and Beolab 5000 to come soon! Lee has my 6000 quad - wonderful looking but not that great sounding. The late 6000 is similar to the 4400 in electronic design - how do you find it compares to the 8000?

    The 80s 6000 sounds good and is a nice 'relaxed' amp to listen to in a smaller room. My living room is quite large, and when I want to do some serious listening with the Beovox Pentas, the 8000 is the one to power these large speakers. I just really like the 8000 :)

    BTW - build quality on the 8000 is better than the 6000. 8000 feels more solid (and weighs about 45 times more!) 

    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 08-23-2008 5:24 AM In reply to

    Re: Beovision 3 or Avant

    Very true! The 8000 has a huge transformer and the heat sinks must weigh a fair bit. Mine stays in the stand as moving it is no joke. The Beolab 5000 is similar in build quality - actually I would say better in some ways though is about half the weight - it is only 10kg!
  • 08-23-2008 5:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Beovision 3 or Avant

    Yep - only Beolab 5000 system I've seen in the flesh was Andy's, and I was really surprised at how substantial the two units are. Unfortunately though, it only made me want one more!

    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 08-24-2008 9:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Beovision 3 or Avant

    Can I add a projector to the following set up and control it using a BEO4 remote?

    Avant 32 RF



    I'll add a BL2 and BL4 as rears later on.....



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