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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-23-2008 5:01 AM by HKNeil. 5 replies.
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  • 08-10-2008 12:13 AM

    • HKNeil
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    Beo Media Frustration


    I need help to figure out whether my problem is me ( i.e. I do not know what I am doing ) or my Beomedia ( i.e it is a terrible piece of hardware / software ). Forgive me if much of this sounds like pure venting but this piece of equipment made my overall B&O experience miserable ....

    I have a BV9 with integrated Beomedia 1. The Beomedia is hard wired to my wireless router and then I have a wireless connection to my lap top which runs Vista.

     My main issues / problems in no particular order;

    1) At least 2-3 times a week the Beomedia loses connection to the lap top ( Beoport ) during the synching process meaning that I have to fully power down the BV9 in order to reboot the Beomedia ( if anyone knows a way to reboot Beomedia without unplugging everything that would be useful info. ).I don't lose my laptop connection to the router and I have a couple of other pieces of hardware on the wireless network that never lose connection so this is all about the Beomedia connection itself and I believe it is Beomedia box crashing

    2) The Beomedia allows you to have music running and then go to Photo to view the pictures but after about 25 minutes it hangs .... if this should not be possible why would the system allow you to do it ? If it should be possible then why would it keep crashing ....

    3) Despite playing around for hours with the PC interface I fail to see a way in which it is good for storing or accessing music files .... no ability to structure the folders easily, no ability to easily manage groups, limited viewing options, trouble getting album covers, etc., etc. Am i missing something or is the interface really this bad on Beoport / Beomedia ? I have I-Tunes on my lap top and the difference in user experience is immense.

    4) The lack of keyboard on the Beomedia means it is impossible to use the web interface in a meaningful way or to check what is going on with the Beomedia itself ... I know I can add a wireless one but wouldn't it make sense to have a Beo4 / Beo5 driven way of typing in web addresses ? The I Phone can do it on a touch screen so why not Beo5 ?

     Overall the experience with Beomedia has been terrible ..... i can't help believing it is a lousy piece of hardware and a lousy user interface which costs a premium.

     I would love to hear from everyone that it really is me and the Beomedia has redeeming features although my gut feel is that it is the Beomedia itself that is the problem .... it is just not developed enough or robust enough for use in the real world - in isolation where nothing ever changes in the set up I can see you could potentially get it usable but this is not the world we live in.

    I did read somewhere on the forum that new software will be coming out later in the year so any insights on whether this would fix the problems would be appreciated as I am close to just writing it off ..... never pushing the PC button again on the Beo4 and deleting it from my lap top ..... a waste of a lot of money, time and effort but would release me from the continual frustration.

     Hmmm just writing that all down and sending it out into the World has relieved some of the frustration Smile but I would like to know whether it is me or the system based on your experiences.





  • 08-11-2008 2:17 PM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beo Media Frustration

    Do we have any BeoMedia buffs on here?



    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 08-11-2008 4:40 PM In reply to

    • Spiros
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    Re: Beo Media Frustration

    You don't want my opinion on this!!!!

    Although I use it, I find it quite an expensive mid range computer with very limited capabilities.

    Just couldn't resist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Whistle

    Best regards


  • 08-12-2008 5:34 PM In reply to

    • StUrrock
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    Re: Beo Media Frustration

    Have enjoyed using BeoMedia but BeoPlayer software just sucks................................... Why re-invent the wheel?


  • 08-12-2008 5:49 PM In reply to

    Re: Beo Media Frustration

    It could be a problem with your wifi connection. I know it sonds painful but could you test with a cable connection? between beomedia and notebook? Or between beomedia and router if this is not already set up like that?

    You might just have an incompatincompatibilty. I have similiar issues right now with my NAS.




    BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

  • 08-23-2008 5:01 AM In reply to

    • HKNeil
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    Re: Beo Media Frustration

    Thanks for the input .... sounds like experience is pointing towards the Beomedia being the problem rather than me which is a bit of a relief :-). I'll try hardwiring it for a few days and see whether the problems go away but long term this is not a solution as I don't want my laptop tied to the TV location. Oh well maybe software updates will be done to fix the system but meanwhile I'll just put this down to wasted money and focus on the other pieces of the system that I love.




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