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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 08-04-2008 11:13 PM by rumbl9. 6 replies.
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  • 08-04-2008 1:40 PM

    Boegram 8002 - problem

    I recently acquired the 8002 to replace my other two Beograms.  It is impressive and sounds great initially, but the sound quality quickly degrades after several seconds.  After a couple minutes, it sounds awful.  I tried another MMC2 cartridge - but the same results.  Its not the cartridge.  Any ideas?  Can anyone produce a service manual or schematic?
  • 08-04-2008 3:48 PM In reply to

    • Medogsfat
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    Re: Boegram 8002 - problem

    Hi and welcome to Beoworld.

    It may be worth posting this question in the beogram section as it will attract the audience you require.

    The service manual is available for download from the home page/products section but requires minimum silver membership.



    The use of metaphors should be avoided like the plague. They're like a red rag to a bull to me.

  • 08-04-2008 3:54 PM In reply to

    Re: Boegram 8002 - problem

    Is the arm moving when on the record? Or is it simply becoming more angled, which will sound awful.
  • 08-04-2008 7:29 PM In reply to

    Re: Boegram 8002 - problem

    Good point.  It seems that the record grooves are pulling the arm across the album.  It appears that the angle is changed slightly...  What will cause this and what are the possible solutions?  Then it sounds mechanical rather than electrical.  Thanks!

  • 08-04-2008 10:20 PM In reply to

    Re: Boegram 8002 - problem

    Thanks for the suggestion Chris. I reposted to the Beogram section.
  • 08-04-2008 10:48 PM In reply to

    • camshaft
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    Re: Boegram 8002 - problem

    As the needle traces the record grooves, it will start to drift inward very slowly.  Then as the needle follows the record inward, the arm will start to angle inward.  When the arm angles inward by a small amount, it triggers a switch (I think it's a solenoid switch, can't remember), which then causes the carriage motor to move the whole tone arm carriage inward slightly, thus straightening the arm again so it's perpendicular to the record again.  I believe Peter was suggesting that if this isn't adjusted properly, then the arm may be reaching too far of an angle before triggering the carriage to move it over again.


    -Austin (resident audiophile skeptic)
  • 08-04-2008 11:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Boegram 8002 - problem

    Well that makes sense.  The only adjustment I find is the stylus pressure. So how can the carriage motor be adjusted? 
    BTW, I drove though the whole State of PA (I-76) on Saturday.

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