Hi all,
I've just been working on a BG6000 with the AC motor.
I may be wrong, but this machine definitely appears to be hot, after playing an LP.
The aluminium base at the left front corner is HOT.
Now, I took out the motor, a Sonceboz 1112 - made in Switzerland, with the hope of opening it up to clean and relubricate, but I couldn't find any way to open it, or to disconnect the blue wiring harness.
I contacted Sonceboz, and apart from warning me that if I opened it, I would damage it, did not provide any help, and suggested that I contact B&O.
Can anyone offer any pointers here?
Is it normal for it to heat up like this?
Should I be looking at replacing the 2N3055 control transistor? - it does check OK, with the diode check.
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