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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-02-2008 6:16 AM by bikerscotty. 51 replies.
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  • 07-01-2008 9:59 PM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Have to disagree with you there! I have been a customer for many years, and even one of the Directors has made a post on the site to say this is NOT true! Roundhay was excellent! and certainly a very busy store when I shopped there! however the 2 main staff members leaving was not good. The Manager went in his own direction and the salesman to the Leeds Central store prior to the store announcing its closure. The fact that there has been some transition as per my letter from B&OUK is good! As always, I love to visit a B&O store when I am near one and when the Leeds store opened last year I was one of the first to go in.I made 3 or 4 visits, saw different staff everytime, was badgered to death, and made to feel that I HAD to buy and the staff were under pressure to deliver! That said they have a pretty nice set up! overall, its a shame that Roundhay is not the "new kid on the block!" I have delt with the same salesman since Pratts days! I know he is in Leeds now, but something tells me that things wont be the same! Looks like the Leeds, Harrogate & York stores have a yorkshire monopoly! is that fair under EU law? not good for the consumer thats for sure!
  • 07-02-2008 6:16 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    I think the core of your mail is right...............................

    We all know Bang & Olufsen has a certain 'soul'

    We all know that Bang & Olufsen shop is a comunity rather than a high pressure environment,

    We know you can go in for a chat and a coffee with our local dealer with no selling pressure as the products sell themselves. Infact customers used to be able to sit instore and discuss any topic whilst being drip fed the Bang & Olufsen beauty around them.

    Or do we? Has anyone else noticed a change in Bang & Olufsen store policies, now this is not a dig at sales staff or owners at all, However I am noticing increasingly that the above is not applying to people, sure in some cases with old school staff it will, but more and more people are feeling a clinical pressurisation in stores, I know there is a lot of people who get annoyed by the constant phoning the constant nagging the constant reminder you were in the store (as if I did not know) have you thought any more about it! this high pressure mentality in my view is not Bang & Olufsen. Maybe its the current climate that has caused it, however the framework for constant communication for people to buy has been on the Retail system and policed by BAng & Olufsen since around about 2004 / 2005.

    It would be nice to go back to the old friendly way in this world of cut and thrust, Maybe I am just a dinosaur!

    Anyway rant over am away for a coffee with my local dealer and a general couple of hours muse on music and the world!

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