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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 07-02-2008 6:16 AM by bikerscotty. 51 replies.
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  • 06-02-2008 3:49 PM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    Very sad indeed - I've had nothing but excellent service from the team at Roundhay - I'll miss them greatly.  I'd just got off the 'phone from them this morning (Beo 5 arrived!) and the same letter dropped through my door...

    I've only been in the Leeds City Centre store once, on my lunch from work,  and it wasn't a particularly pleasant experience.  I'm a contractor working in Leeds at the moment, and my current project affords that I wear what I like; jeans and t-shirts in the main.  It felt like I was being judged on my appearance, and I left.  Never had that at Roundhay...


    He, he. I'm a loyal Loiner to the core, but I'm afraid that my home town has a terrible attitude problem when it comes to shopping in the town centre. From Saturday sixth-form plebs in shops in the Victoria Quarter, to well to do small business owners, it's all the same - sneering and judging customers on their appearance. It's devalued my enjoyment of going shopping in the town centre to be honest, and what you say about the city centre store could certainly by symptomatic of this retail culture (though I haven't been in there recently and can't comment directly). 

    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 06-02-2008 4:11 PM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    Is the Harrogate store still open? - when I was in town at the end of Feb. it looked liked it had closed down!

    It's still open. The store is/was getting a revamp, from what I was told when I was last at the store (at Christmas). I'm sure that's completed by now though!

    That must have been it - I never got quite as far as crossing the road (from the main drag up from Betty's) - the sign above the shop had gone and there was nothing in the front window and so I assumed it had closed, turned around and headed back (to Yates' if I remember correctly)Big Smile

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 06-02-2008 4:25 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Their site is fairly up-to-date, too:

    It's actually a fairly decent store, the Harrogate store. I was in there over Christmas and made it fairly clear I wasn't there to purchase (it's all done through the Bath store), but they still spent 30 or so minutes chatting about things B&O, products, the store etc.

  • 06-02-2008 4:28 PM In reply to

    • Puncher
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    True enough - the last time I was there was just prior to the release of the BC2 and they spent ages telling me all about it even though I was just "browsing"

    Generally speaking, you aren't learning much if your lips are moving.

  • 06-14-2008 5:15 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Hi all,

    Director and shareholder of the store here. Some of you are thereabouts, most are utterly clueless, so here goes...

    The closure of the Roundhay branch has nothing to do with any "economic downturn", or indeed any other Leeds - centric issues. The fact is simply that I am going to live overseas, and am obliged to spend 80% of my time out of the UK. So it's a resources issue; my fellow Directors have chosen not to work 70 hours a week at this time, and feel that three stores (Lincoln, Ecclesaal, Leicester) is more than enough.

    Herbie Sykes.




  • 06-14-2008 5:32 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Best of luck with your move!
  • 06-14-2008 5:34 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Just for a matter of interest how many Bang & Olufsen stores does that leave the UK with? could get my calculater out and check the website Geeked but just incase anyone knew 
  • 06-14-2008 5:43 AM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    Hi all,

    Director and shareholder of the store here. Some of you are thereabouts, most are utterly clueless, so here goes...

    Good luck with whatever you're doing next, Herbie.

    However, if the store was that profitable and successful, B&O would take it over (like they have with the Bath, Liverpool and Worcester stores, amongst others), then revamp them to be re-allocated to another franchisee. Whilst we might be 'clueless' in your opinion, it's not too difficult to figure that a single Leeds centre store if probably more than sufficient, in B&O UK's opinion, to cover the needs of the surrounding area.

  • 06-14-2008 8:58 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    The notion that the likes of Liverpool, Bath and Worcester were "profitable and successful stores" is laughable, frankly. Roundhay was a decent, moderately profitable store, not wildly so by any means, but it did solid, though unspectacular, business. You can choose to believe that or not, but it's a fact.

    As I wrote, it's simply a question of how best to use your time. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Bang & Olufsen business model, but it requires a lot of skill and hard graft to make really good money, particularly in the current climate. If you can do something else and make considerably more money for considerably less work, you'd be a fool not to.

  • 06-14-2008 9:04 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    I'm always a bit saddened when any B&O store decides to call it a day, for any reason.

    Thing is, this has happened before in Leeds and probably with a much higher profile, anyone remember De Cobains in the St Johns centre,  that's where I got my 6500 system - I still treasure the reciepts ( odd what Beoworlders are like I suppose).They also had a branch in Bradford I believe.

     Before that there was a dealer on Vicar Lane, it became the Sony centre. There was also that place on Easterly Road( Millers - just rembered), they sold all sorts of stuff and were not a franchised dealer, but it was so long ago that maybe there was a differant business structure.

     I'm trying to think of other B&O outlets in Leeds past, I think it was either Lewis's or Schofiled who also sold the Beosystem 5000 but didn't stock anything after that, I also vaguelly something in or around the Merrion centre.

    Stuff changes, comes goes for all sort of reasons.

    There was one in Wetherby, and its the only one I was pleased to see go down, I went in looking to buy and was ignored and then condescended toward, and I actually had the readies to spend.

    The irony of the Vicar Lane store, for those who know the current ending, is that the Sony store changed, it now a B&O store again.

  • 06-14-2008 9:29 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Must be honest, You should never be glad to see a dealer go down, Employment carnage for the retail and service footsoldiers is never good.
  • 06-14-2008 9:42 AM In reply to

    • 355f
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    There are not many dealers making money out of the B&O franchise . The notion that B&O as a company is 'buying up' the successful stores in the UK is of course a complete nonsense.

    Obviously, its not good policy for a company to allow the shutters to fall on so many shops so better to keep some open than closed.

  • 06-14-2008 10:33 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    Hi all,

    Director and shareholder of the store here. Some of you are thereabouts, most are utterly clueless, so here goes...

    Good luck with whatever you're doing next, Herbie.

    However, if the store was that profitable and successful, B&O would take it over (like they have with the Bath, Liverpool and Worcester stores, amongst others), then revamp them to be re-allocated to another franchisee. Whilst we might be 'clueless' in your opinion, it's not too difficult to figure that a single Leeds centre store if probably more than sufficient, in B&O UK's opinion, to cover the needs of the surrounding area.

    Sorry you feel that some of us here are clueless Herbie - I hope that kind of high-handed attitude didn't percolate down to your sales staff, as if it did, no wonder you had to close the store. The fact remains that Roundhay is miles out of the town centre, and I'd be surprised if your sales figures didn't take a huge knock when the city centre store opened. Are you expecting us to believe that they didn't? 

    President, Beomaster 8000 Appreciation Society

  • 06-14-2008 10:43 AM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Had a customer call me this morning saying that Roundhay had a pair of BeoLab 5, BeoLab 9, and a BV4 50" HD with BeoSystem 3 all with 25% off..  It has been confirmed this is indeed true.

    Bad news for B&O, good news for the customers!


    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 06-14-2008 11:04 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    B&O will ignore the plight of the dealers as always, Ivory tower mentality! Whistle
  • 06-14-2008 12:49 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    The notion that the likes of Liverpool, Bath and Worcester were "profitable and successful stores" is laughable..

    Well, you've now lost all credibility. Bath was the 7th most successful B&O UK store. It wasn't taken over for financial reasons, it was something completely different (and I'm now allowed to say). Indeed, as I've mentioned elsewhere, the Bath store will become a B&O flagship store (think 'BeoLiving'), on two floors, by Autumn. B&O wouldn't put that kind of money in to a store that was taken over because it wasn't successful or profitable.

  • 06-14-2008 12:54 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    There are not many dealers making money out of the B&O franchise . The notion that B&O as a company is 'buying up' the successful stores in the UK is of course a complete nonsense.

    A franchise doesn't need to 'buy' a franchisee out if they break the rules of their franchise. They simply give them notice. Once notice is served, the business is back with the franchise owner. Yes, the franchisee can take their stock and other belongings that they purchased, but the store, name, brand and so on are simply taken back. There's no payment, pay-off or purchase involved.

    Think what you like 355f, but the Bath and Liverpool stores are going to reopen as flagship 'BeoLiving' stores by Autumn, with the taken-over Swindon and Worcester stores allocated to another francishee. I know the Swindon store has already switched to another franchised owner, since being taken over at Christmas.

    This new owner - who reads Beoworld posts, btw - is already the successful owner of the Salisbury store and has been a B&O retailer for years. I'm sure that they know they can make the Swindon store profitable, or they wouldn't have bothered.

    355f, until you become a business manager and owner, and can make serious judgment from a business perspective, stick to teaching us the technicalities of panels, as you did in the past.

  • 06-14-2008 1:01 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    B&O will ignore the plight of the dealers as always, Ivory tower mentality! Whistle

    If you go in to the Bath store these days, there's regularly someone from B&O UK (and often Director level) in the store, making plans..

  • 06-14-2008 1:58 PM In reply to

    • 355f
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    There are not many dealers making money out of the B&O franchise . The notion that B&O as a company is 'buying up' the successful stores in the UK is of course a complete nonsense.

    A franchise doesn't need to 'buy' a franchisee out if they break the rules of their franchise. They simply give them notice. Once notice is served, the business is back with the franchise owner. Yes, the franchisee can take their stock and other belongings that they purchased, but the store, name, brand and so on are simply taken back. There's no payment, pay-off or purchase involved.

    Think what you like 355f, but the Bath and Liverpool stores are going to reopen as flagship 'BeoLiving' stores by Autumn, with the taken-over Swindon and Worcester stores allocated to another francishee. I know the Swindon store has already switched to another franchised owner, since being taken over at Christmas.

    This new owner - who reads Beoworld posts, btw - is already the successful owner of the Salisbury store and has been a B&O retailer for years. I'm sure that they know they can make the Swindon store profitable, or they wouldn't have bothered.

    355f, until you become a business manager and owner, and can make serious judgment from a business perspective, stick to teaching us the technicalities of panels, as you did in the past.

    Bang & Olufsen can open as many 'beoliving' stores as they like, Good news that the Bath store will open the basement!! Im sure the franchisee is more than willing to 'give notice' as you put it and indeed many would dearly love to  but for many reasons cannot. I am fully aware how the franchise system works for B&O( and doesnt for many dealers)

    Perhaps some individuals are a little more informed about the true situation than the rubbish thats sometimes spouted  and based on the posts you have made I will not be seeking any advise from you regarding business judgement!

    When I did make posts regarding the technicalities of panels you seemed to know more than I on that matter to. There was even one post- I forget which imbecile made it- suggested that an opinion made by an individual who was not  a fully paid member of this site  was somehow less valid

    I would stick to your knowledge of the 'excellence' of the BV7 if i were you.

    According to your posts, there are no unsuccessful dealers- just ones wanted to retire early.

    Dealers going into administration and B&O taking over these valuable concerns!.

    |The franchise is only lost through ' variances with company policy'- never through the fact the dealers cant pay the bills!

    Perhaps the fact that the profits have collapsed and B&O is making alternative arragements in many ways was all a mirage- You should apply for a job as the PR man for B&O




  • 06-14-2008 2:25 PM In reply to

    • moxxey
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    You should apply for a job as the PR man for B&O

    You never know who you're talking to on this board.

  • 06-14-2008 4:38 PM In reply to

    • symmes
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    You never know who you're talking to on this board.


    Nor often who you are listening to..... bring back the sheep.

  • 06-15-2008 2:35 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    Please can we keep this civilised. I have a sneeking suspicion that both of you are aware of some of the situation but possibly not all of it. I have no problems with speculation but try not to rubbish others' point of view.
  • 06-15-2008 5:09 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    B&O will ignore the plight of the dealers as always, Ivory tower mentality! Whistle

    If you go in to the Bath store these days, there's regularly someone from B&O UK (and often Director level) in the store, making plans..

    Plans are one thing, however how much of these 'Plans' will involve actual aid for the dealer and how much of these plans will involve asking the dealer to jump through more hoops or plough more money in? Basic crux is in my opinion, B&o have let it get to where we curently are, with sampling products, immense start up costs, and high shop fit costs.


  • 06-15-2008 6:14 AM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: B&O Roundhay to close


    B&o have let it get to where we curently are, with sampling products, immense start up costs, and high shop fit costs.


    I have to agree that a shop-fit seems astronomically expensive, but B&O do actually sub-contract it out. Perhaps a good old fashioned 'shop around' would yield results in the cost stakes. Using the same supplier blindly does not inspire loyalty these days unfortunately, so a jolt like 'i'm looking at other companies prices' usually inpires a price drop.

    I think B&O UK have found themselves in the situation they are by actually being too kind to some dealers. I will not comment further, but i wouldn't heap too much blame on them. I also think that for the amount of support they really need to be giving their dealers they are woefully understaffed. 

    If i had to blame anyone, it would be Struer - the 'heart' of the operation where things are designed and made.  After being in awe of the design and software team for so many years, i am now starting to question if some of them deserve their places within the company.  That's another issue though, and perhaps i don't know the full story.

    I do think that the credit boom fuelled by house prices contributed a great deal to the success of the company in the UK over the last 5 or so years, and now this is nearing its end we will see the businesses created (unknowingly) to meet that demand in certain areas fall by the wayside as demand dries up.

    I don't agree with having two dealers in one town either.  B&O is a low volume product, and customers should make a trip to wherever they are. It's a special occasion buying B&O, and i would happily travel and park out of town to make a purchase. In fact, not having slack-jawed hoodies wandering in the store to try and steal your BeoCom display would i'm sure be a blessing!

    Clever advertising and integration into the community can make for a much better marketing tool than a high street location when it comes to such a luxury product.  Louis Vuitton wouldn't park up next to Superdrug i'm sure.

    In all, things will be fine for B&O. We will see changes, but the company that doesn't change to meet the times is the one that will be part of history.




    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 06-16-2008 5:43 AM In reply to

    Re: B&O Roundhay to close

    9 LEE:


    B&o have let it get to where we curently are, with sampling products, immense start up costs, and high shop fit costs.


    I have to agree that a shop-fit seems astronomically expensive, but B&O do actually sub-contract it out. Perhaps a good old fashioned 'shop around' would yield results in the cost stakes. Using the same supplier blindly does not inspire loyalty these days unfortunately, so a jolt like 'i'm looking at other companies prices' usually inpires a price drop.

    I think B&O UK have found themselves in the situation they are by actually being too kind to some dealers. I will not comment further, but i wouldn't heap too much blame on them. I also think that for the amount of support they really need to be giving their dealers they are woefully understaffed. 

    If i had to blame anyone, it would be Struer - the 'heart' of the operation where things are designed and made.  After being in awe of the design and software team for so many years, i am now starting to question if some of them deserve their places within the company.  That's another issue though, and perhaps i don't know the full story.

    I do think that the credit boom fuelled by house prices contributed a great deal to the success of the company in the UK over the last 5 or so years, and now this is nearing its end we will see the businesses created (unknowingly) to meet that demand in certain areas fall by the wayside as demand dries up.

    I don't agree with having two dealers in one town either.  B&O is a low volume product, and customers should make a trip to wherever they are. It's a special occasion buying B&O, and i would happily travel and park out of town to make a purchase. In fact, not having slack-jawed hoodies wandering in the store to try and steal your BeoCom display would i'm sure be a blessing!

    Clever advertising and integration into the community can make for a much better marketing tool than a high street location when it comes to such a luxury product.  Louis Vuitton wouldn't park up next to Superdrug i'm sure.

    In all, things will be fine for B&O. We will see changes, but the company that doesn't change to meet the times is the one that will be part of history.





    What that man said! Agree with what you say Lee, Bitter and Twisted history means I have experienced this as a owner in the past, And yes if you arrange with one shop fitter to do the whole of the UK then you get favourable prices to pass on to the dealers,................. However after our shop fit we got three local companies to come in and quote exactly Like for Like as we "were thinking of doing the same thing in another store" (mainly so quotes would be true) and the dearest of the three was a third less than what we paid, hence my ivory tower quote, I feel if we were givien a choice to use our own people installing to B&O standard or B&O people then dealers would be less bitter about costings, As I always say its just my opinion, and I gladly am well out of the AV market and retail now............. Now wheres that waiter with the Scotch!

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