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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-10-2007 4:09 PM by beodude. 29 replies.
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  • 05-10-2007 12:36 PM In reply to

    • EOB
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-18-2007
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    Re: The new BS2 cases!

    I remember on the old forum someone having pics of a brown rough kind of leather pouch i actually liked then alot too....

  • 05-10-2007 12:48 PM In reply to

    Re: The new BS2 cases!


    I remember on the old forum someone having pics of a brown rough kind of leather pouch i actually liked then alot too....

    Yes B&O made their own leather cases for the BS2, in red and brown. I have a brown, it has two pouches - one for the BS2 and the other for SD cards or in my case loose change Smile Still £90 though.

  • 05-10-2007 1:56 PM In reply to

    Re: The new BS2 cases!

    Hey btw do the Serene phones have a Samsung logo on them? I'm sure I've seen one with their logo.


  • 05-10-2007 2:22 PM In reply to

    • Greg
    • Top 500 Contributor
    • Joined on 04-17-2007
    • London, UK
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    Re: The new BS2 cases!


    Hey btw do the Serene phones have a Samsung logo on them? I'm sure I've seen one with their logo.



    Yep, they have both Samsung and B&O logos on the aluminium hinge - although the Samsung one is hidden when the phone is opened ;-)
  • 05-10-2007 4:09 PM In reply to

    Re: The new BS2 cases!


    Hey btw do the Serene phones have a Samsung logo on them? I'm sure I've seen one with their logo.



    Yep, they have both Samsung and B&O logos on the aluminium hinge - although the Samsung one is hidden when the phone is opened ;-)

     Lol has anyone scratched or been tempted to scratch off the Samsung logo Big Smile  - doesn't it kind of detract from buying a B&O phone to have another logo on it?
     I mean B&O use other people's stuff from time to time, but they don't normally put the other companies' logo on the outside do they??

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