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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 05-07-2007 1:35 PM by Izzie. 5 replies.
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  • 05-06-2007 9:30 AM

    Beogram 5000 Turntable wont play

    Help .... I have a 5000 and everything works apart from the turntable.  I hit the play button and the arm moves across to the record does down stays there for 5 seconds and then lifts up and goes back to the standby position ...... the stylus guard is up and i can see the stylus on the record but it wont play it ..... any ideas ..... please help!
  • 05-06-2007 9:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 5000 Turntable wont play

    Try one thing for me. Unplug the DIN cable to the Beomaster from the Beogram and see if that works manually. Obviously no sound but just to check if the problem is the Beogram or a Datalink error. I would guess it will make no difference and it is to do with the weight sensor or the  pick up point adjustment is wrong. We do not have the 5000 service manual but we do have the 1800 one which is much the same and has the same type of adjustments I believe.
  • 05-06-2007 9:54 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 5000 Turntable wont play

    OK tried that and I have now got it to play but the sound quality is poor and it keeps sliding across the record
  • 05-06-2007 10:26 AM In reply to

    • 9 LEE
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    Re: Beogram 5000 Turntable wont play

    Possibly collapsed suspension on the cartridge... Either that, or the weighting is set up wrongly and there isn't enough pressure.

    Remove the cartridge and gently prod the stylus with your fingertip in the same manner as it would be hitting a record.. If it bounces back healthily, all is ok - but if it doesnt have much movement, it will need rebuilding or replacing.


    BeoWorld - Everything Bang & Olufsen

  • 05-06-2007 11:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Beogram 5000 Turntable wont play

    Agree with Lee. You need a new cartridge! Check out Soundsmith and go for a SMMC4. Excellent sounding cartridge - and no, we don't get paid for advertising them!
  • 05-07-2007 1:35 PM In reply to

    • Izzie
    • Not Ranked
    • Joined on 05-07-2007
    • Posts 2
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    Re: Beogram 5000 Turntable wont play

    If all else fails and you are based in the UK, B&O still offer an excellent repair centre for old kit based in Gloucester. I have had my BE0MASTER 5500 repaired a couple of times for various ailments and they do a good job!

    Kind regards,


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