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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-18-2008 5:49 AM by Keith Saunders. 5 replies.
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  • 03-17-2008 1:41 PM

    • smt789
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    BeoTalk 1200 not detecting line hangup

    My broadband has recently been upgraded to 8MB and the line rental has also been switched from BT to the broadband supplier. Since this time my BeoTalk 1200 does not seem to detect when the caller has hung up the line. If the caller hangs up during the recorded message there is a loud high pitched noise from the answerphone. This same loud noise is also recorded at the end of any message left.

    It's like the answerphone does not recognise the caller has hung up and is picking up what is I guess the higher broadband frequencies on the line. I have upgraded my filters but this does not seem to help.

    Not sure what the BeoTalk 1200 uses to detect line drop but this signal seems to have changed.

    Has anyone else experienced this problem?



  • 03-17-2008 2:01 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoTalk 1200 not detecting line hangup


    This problem is not that un-common and is not just effected by broadband speed upgrade, which, like many other things does effect the line spec. You will also be surprised to note that this is also effected by wet weather as well.

    When your broadband was upgraded, a board was replaced in the exchange and whilst it is almost certainly going to be within the required spec, it has provided a situation where the threshold for hangup has a small difference which causes your problem.

    There is also another common situation caused by the same issue and that is where someone leaves a message, but the message indicator does not show a new is waiting, so there is no reason to press the News button and so you miss messages left.

    I suggest you call your Telecom supplier and report it as a line problem and go from there. It is likely that there first feedback will be that there is nothing wrong with the phone line, then you will have to push back and get them to change the line driver card anyway.

    Also, whilst you have stated that you have changed the microfilter, be aware that there is big differences between microfilters in these situation and you may wish to try a higher spec'ed version. You may wish to look at professional microfilters HERE

    Regards Keith....

  • 03-17-2008 3:49 PM In reply to

    • smt789
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    Re: BeoTalk 1200 not detecting line hangup

    Hi Keith

    Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate your comments.
    The filters I have upgraded to are in fact the professional ones you mentioned the XF-1e Professional ADSL2/2+ Microfilter so hopefully I have eliminated that one.

    My broadband supplier is Tiscali and I had already raised a call with them but like you suggested they said the line was OK and it was my answerphone. I think I will take your advice and contact them again and mention the line driver board. I have a feeling this could be a long battle!

    Thanks again for your advice!



  • 03-17-2008 4:21 PM In reply to

    Re: BeoTalk 1200 not detecting line hangup

    This whole problem area is one of signal tolerence, where the signal level is on the borderline of what the Beotalk 1200 is expecting.

    Now, whilst your broadband supplier is Tiscali, do you have your phone line rental with BT or Tiscali ? There is really two reasons for asking this:-

    1. If you have your line rental with BT, then you are more likely to get an engineer to take a real interest in your problem and change the line driver.
    2. If your phone rental is with Tiscali, then as you have already found, you will have to push them hard to get something to happen. It should be noted that many large ISP's such as Tiscali have there own line equipment located in the BT exchange, meaning a totally different design of line driver and this is your most likely situation and the reason for your problem.

    Given, that this whole signal problem can be effected by many things including cable length and impedance mis-match on the line which in turn can be effected by other phones/devices connected to the same phone line in your home, you may wish to disconnect everything other than the Beotalk 1200 and do some tests. The reason is that whilst the core problem is without question the line driver in the exchange, if they will not change it, you are stuck unless you can get over the problem some other way and one way is to install a line repeater.

    However the line repeater option is only viable if the BeoTalk 1200 will work correctly without any other equipment connected to the line.

    Regards Keith....

  • 03-18-2008 5:10 AM In reply to

    • smt789
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    Re: BeoTalk 1200 not detecting line hangup

    Tried your test and same problem. Line rental is also with Tiscali. Support are now saying it is a know problem! Different story than the last time I called. They say it will be fixed in 7 days but I'm not holding my breath.

    I will try and switch back to BT if it is not resolved but no doubt that will be a battle as by upgrading to line rental and 8MB I have effectively started a new 1 year contract.


  • 03-18-2008 5:49 AM In reply to

    Re: BeoTalk 1200 not detecting line hangup

    Interesting that Tiscali support believe it is a known problem, they either said that to get you off the phone or several customers with products such as yours have really been having problems..

    If it is really a problem they know about with their line drivers, then they may well fix it by replacing the driver card for a new one. Lets hope this really what they will do !!

    Regards Keith....

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