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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-10-2008 6:39 PM by bert4243. 0 replies.
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  • 03-10-2008 6:39 PM

    Hmm [^o)] Extension Of IR Blaster - Beovision 8 to Sky+ (Plus) with Beo 5 Remote

    Equipment involved: Beovision 8, Beovision 5 Remote, Sky Plus (one feed without multiroom).

    Hi peeps, i'm new to this site and have a techy problem. I have recently purchased a Beovision 8 (32") and live in an apartment with one Sky feed. My Sky+ is in the front room and my Beovision 8 is in the bedroom. I have connected my Beovision 8 via the RF output on the Sky+ box and the cable length i needed was 20 metres. I used a quad shelided Ixus digital coaxial (along with a Magic Eye) which produced the best results you can expect from an RF. However my problem lies with the Beovision 5 remote. It's not compatable with Magic Eyes running via RF. After speaking to a B&O guy in Bramhall, he said the Bevision 8 has to be linked to the Sky+ box via a scart cable then added as a device before finally installing the B&O IR Blaster. Problem being the IR Blaster is only 3 metres long, does anyone know if i extend it with a cat5 cable to 20 metres would it work? Have also been advised you can do it another way round by utilising 1 of the spare (unused) scart pins at each end?

     The easiest option would be to install Sky Multiroom so i've got a Sky box in my bedroom locally to the Beovision 8. However living in apartments is a grey area as they only give you 1 feed and it's almost impossible getting planning permission to allow a dedicated sat dish to be installed.

     Hope somebody understands what i'm trying to say as i basically the end result im looking to achieve is to be able to use the Beovision 8 remote to change channels on my Sky+ from the bedroom. At present im using Sky Remote to change channels and Beo 5 remote to do volume, power & picture settings etc.

    I'm also aware i'm only receiving a mono sound from the RF, and the scart would be stereo sound and better picture quality so i'm all for it. It's just the remote IR issue.

     Someone pls help! 

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