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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
03-07-2008 12:41 PM

- Joined on 05-15-2007
- London, UK
- Posts 57

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
Hi Richard, Yes, it's very good, the iPhone screen really shows its quality well with the TV programmes. I just caught up with the last episode of The Passion. All we need now is a really fast network connection when on the move (like 3G) and then you can do this on the train! Rob
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Flappo The Grate

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 703

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
and some half decent content do we really need to see last of the summer whine (sic ) again ?? bring back The Goodies !!!

- Joined on 03-30-2007
- Moderator - NL
- Posts 2,749

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
Why is the BBC iPlayer only available for people that are based in the UK ? I can receive BBC 1, 2, 3, 4, Prime, World, but can't watch BBC iPlayer. (i live in The Netherlands)

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Birkenhead, UK
- Posts 1,253

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
I believe there are copyright issues, the BBC are not licensed to distribute their content outside of the UK. Ignace:Why is the BBC iPlayer only available for people that are based in the UK ? I can receive BBC 1, 2, 3, 4, Prime, World, but can't watch BBC iPlayer. (i live in The Netherlands)

- Joined on 03-30-2007
- Moderator - NL
- Posts 2,749

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
That's what i expected, thanks for your reply.

- Joined on 04-01-2007
- UK
- Posts 970

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
Ignace:Why is the BBC iPlayer only available for people that are based in the UK ? I can receive BBC 1, 2, 3, 4, Prime, World, but can't watch BBC iPlayer. (i live in The Netherlands)
Its because of the unique way the TV licence fee is paid in the UK. We've paid and you haven't.  "BBC World Service is funded by government grant and not the TV licence fee. Profits from separate BBC commercial services help to keep the licence fee low." link

- Joined on 04-18-2007
- Wendover
- Posts 19

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
I've paid the license fee, but can't, always, use the BBC iPlayer! I'm living in the UK, but work, during the week, in the Netherlands! So should I only pay 3/7 of the TV license fee? Maarten

- Joined on 03-30-2007
- Moderator - NL
- Posts 2,749

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
We have a similar system in The Netherlands for the public-tv channels (and radio). Regarding the BBC / license fee; Even though i live in The Netherlands, i can receive (via cable-tv) : BBC 1, BBC 2, BBC 3, BBC 4, BBC Prime ! I guess the cable company pays license fee to the BBC (?)

- Joined on 03-30-2007
- Moderator - NL
- Posts 2,749

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
Flappo The Grate:personally i think we should just pay one license fee every 5 years as all we get is repeats , why not have a repeat license ?
At times i really enjoy watching the BBC, but currently the programs aren't that great; a lot of repeats, and i get tired of seeing the face of Bill Oddie again and again.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
- Posts 2,990

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
Ignace: Flappo The Grate:personally i think we should just pay one license fee every 5 years as all we get is repeats , why not have a repeat license ?
At times i really enjoy watching the BBC, but currently the programs aren't that great; a lot of repeats, and i get tired of seeing the face of Bill Oddie again and again.
Seeing the face of Bill Oddie is like being stabbed - not something you'd want to do repetitively. I can't stand him personally...
Weekly top artists:


- Joined on 04-01-2007
- UK
- Posts 970

Re: BBC iPlayer now working on iPhone & iPod Touch
Alex:I can't stand him personally...
For me its Vernon Kay. Sounds like a good Wednesday thread "Who do you hate for no good reason?"
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