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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 03-04-2008 4:31 AM by beoaus. 25 replies.
03-01-2008 10:35 PM
Peter Jacobs

- Joined on 01-31-2008
- Melbourne Australia
- Posts 65

Hi all, Current system is BV5 (2002), Lab5s, Lab3s, BS9000 (and B&O recommended Panasonic DVD with DVD Controller). I am thinking about getting a DVD2 (mainly so that I can have DVD playback from my UK collection of DVDs but also want to add a projector and drop down screen for the occasional weekend movie nights !. I understand the DVD2 is not so hot from the programming and recording perspective. I also believe I will need a Beosystem 3 to control both the BV5 when needed and the Projector. Question is which high end projectors are recommended with the BS3 ? and is the DVD2 worth it (I need DVD Playback) . Thanks

- Joined on 05-07-2007
- Washington, DC USA
- Posts 641

Re: Extending my B&O System
peterjacobs:Hi all, Current system is BV5 (2002), Lab5s, Lab3s, BS9000 (and B&O recommended Panasonic DVD with DVD Controller). I am thinking about getting a DVD2 (mainly so that I can have DVD playback from my UK collection of DVDs but also want to add a projector and drop down screen for the occasional weekend movie nights !. I understand the DVD2 is not so hot from the programming and recording perspective. I also believe I will need a Beosystem 3 to control both the BV5 when needed and the Projector. Question is which high end projectors are recommended with the BS3 ? and is the DVD2 worth it (I need DVD Playback) . Thanks
Hi Peter, unless the Euro version of the BV-5 is substantially different from the US version, it would be able to control a projector by itself with no problem. US software supported several projectors from Sim2/Seleco. Russ
We kid because we love.
Bang & Olufsen Tysons Galleria
McLean, VA USA
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
- Posts 3,810

Re: Extending my B&O System
Peter, No matter how you extend your B&O system, I would recommend you think very carefully before considering the purchase of a DVD2 particular as its just about to be withdrawn from sale and frankly it is not really a B&O product.

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Extending my B&O System
I wouldn't get the DVD2. I would get a Panasonic Blu-ray player once the prices have become sensible, making sure that it can play standard discs as well. I don't think the BV5 ever got a projector output except in the US where a dedicated VGA out was fitted. Have you considered a BV9?

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 922

Re: Extending my B&O System
DVD2 is quite new, isn't it? So why will it be gone then so soon? Will there come a blu-ray replacement then?

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Extending my B&O System
Bingo:DVD2 is quite new, isn't it? So why will it be gone then so soon? Will there come a blu-ray replacement then?
Because it is a re-badged Philips which doesn't have a digital tuner and cannot use an external digital tuner when on timer. It is overpriced and uses Philips based menus. In short, it was a mistake. I think it very likely that a Blu-ray alternative will come out though I wouldn't hold my breath. The only consolation for B&O is that it cannot have cost that much to develop!

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 922

Re: Extending my B&O System
I suppose it does not sell well either? To be honest; I am a bit shocked about it. Such a short life for the DVD2. The DVD1 was also very overpriced and technical nothing but low mid-class but lasted a lot longer.

- Joined on 02-12-2007
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Re: Extending my B&O System
Yes, but it only had to play back DVDs. Not very demanding and it worked with no real downsides. The DVD2 is far more complex and because it has Philips menus, it doesn't work as a B&O product should. With a DVD player, the vast majority of us would simply put a disc in and press play. To record, you need a useful and user friendly interface and one that can be worked simply with a Beo4. I think the HDR2 is a far more successful product though I am not sure that this will last that much longer either! I have a feeling that your thoughts may well translate into a HDR3 with possibly dual tuners built in. This is speculation though!

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 922

Re: Extending my B&O System
From the beginning it was a big mistake to bring a new device on the market with only analogue tuners and without HDMI. You buy a DVD device which is not futureproof at all. Hope they learn in Struer from their mistakes.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Walton-On-Thames
- Posts 38

Re: Extending my B&O System
Oh, reading all that is said about the DVD2, I have one one order - should I cancel the order? I have now sold my DVD1 so if I don't provide a dvd player in the house the kids will go ape! Some helpful suggestions? Hughie

- Joined on 09-20-2007
- Valkenburg, Netherlands
- Posts 184

Re: Extending my B&O System
HD is dead. See here: - http://www.dvdtown.com/news/breaking-news-toshiba-announces-discontinuation-of-hd-dvd-businesses/5254 Richard
Some of my B&O: BV3/32, MX7000, MX5500, LX5500, MX4000, BM8000, BM6000, Overture, BL8000, BM6000 Quad, BM4400, BM3400, BG-CDX, BM3000, BM1001, BM1200, BM1600, BM1700, BM1500, BM1400, BM2400, BM2300, BM4500, BM4000, BVM70, BVS45-2, BVS60, BC7700, BM2200, BM1900, BG8002, BM1202, BVPenta, BVP45

- Joined on 03-28-2007
- Norway
- Posts 870

Re: Extending my B&O System
Hughie: Oh, reading all that is said about the DVD2, I have one one order - should I cancel the order? I have now sold my DVD1 so if I don't provide a dvd player in the house the kids will go ape! Some helpful suggestions? Hughie
The DVD2 is a nightmare to service (which is of no concern to you, but nice to know), and as stated above: It works as a Philips product - where a BeoWorlder would press "GO", as with any other B&O product, you will here have to press left or right arrow to proceed. Very odd when used in a complex B&O-setup. In fact, to me, so odd that using the DVD-controller is just as simple. But if you can sort out the user interface and truly need the DVD-recording capability: go for it. If not, get the DVD controller and a half decent Blu-Ray player until B&O can come with an alternative (assuming the excellent BeoCenter 2 doesn't suit your needs). Roger

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- Posts 922

Re: Extending my B&O System
Can't you better buy thew Philips equivalent then? Same device, 1000 euro cheaper almost.

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Extending my B&O System
Richard Ridyard:The DVD2 is very good at what it does. That is providing unrivalled flexibility. The edit feature is also very good as is the archive. There will not be a blu-ray version any time soon I can assure you that. We will not commit to blu-ray as it has not beaten the HD format yet and in our opinion the HD format has actually better quality. I would still say that the DVD2 is a good buy.
I am afraid we will have to agree to disagree on this one! Most dealers I speak to regard the DVD2 with loathing. It is a poorly repackaged Philips DVD-R7300 and is not that great at the price Philips sold it for. The fact it doesn't even have a motorised front shows the lack of design flare. I think it is important that the site is objective. Products like the Beocenter 2 show true B&O flare and design allied to good performance. The Beosound 4 also is a true B&O product and offers a different slant to CD and SD card playback. However the brand has, in my view, repeated the mistakes of the late 80s and early 90s by producing products which are not up to the standard accepted. Then it was the Beocenter 2000 etc. This time it is the DVD2 and Beosound 6. I think this has been recognised by the planned concentration of effort on the core value products. Do you deny that it is not long for this world?
However if you are selling plenty, then that is great. If someone has had the DVD2 demonstrated to them and feel that it is for them, I would be the last person to talk them out of it. Personally I find that Sky+ offers superb integration with my system and I want for nothing.

- Joined on 04-19-2007
- Posts 655

Re: Extending my B&O System
Hughie: Oh, reading all that is said about the DVD2, I have one one order - should I cancel the order? I have now sold my DVD1 so if I don't provide a dvd player in the house the kids will go ape! Some helpful suggestions? Hughie
Wait for the panasonic DMP50 due in a few months. Blue ray, very quick and plays normal dvd as well and has all encoding built in

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Extending my B&O System
I have a Panasonic DMR-EH60DEB which has built in Freeview, DVD-R including supporting DVD-RAM, Videoplus and SD card support along with a 200GB HDD which works with the DVD-C. Similar models available for about £200. Add a DVD-C and you will come in under £350. Good menu system (for a non B&O!!)
Peter Jacobs

- Joined on 01-31-2008
- Melbourne Australia
- Posts 65

Re: Extending my B&O System
Again, thanks everyone re: the DVD2 and of course my most peculiar Lab 5 vibrations (posted elsewhere). I have just come from visiting a Melbourne DVD2 dealer. I am happy to say an honest one with integrity. They know about my set up and actually agreed with Peter. They said "we would prefer NOT to sell you a DVD2". I can also confirm it is on a half price offer if you buy a Beosound 4 + speakers. They can't give them away here !. They advised me to go for a Panasonic DVD Recorder and keep my DVD Controller (which by the way is not sold in Australia. When they saw the DVD-C they instantly put in a stock order for some and are having trouble with STREUR not wanting to sell these ??? As good a pointer as any that the DVD2 is on its way out...I think..... I think I am going down the route of what Peter has, a Panasonic DVDR + my DVD-C. The only reason I am changing DVD player is as my current Panasonic A360 which has been an amazing machine has taken such a pounding from the kids that it is starting to be unreliable. Peter As good a pointer as any that the DVD2 i
Keith Saunders

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Technical Advisor, Little Ann, Hampshire, UK
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Re: Extending my B&O System
I think you have made the correct decision and I have to say that I think your dealer has certainly acted in a profressional manner over this difficult situation for them. You may not have purchased a DVD2 from them this time, but because of their positive actions I am sure you will be making future purchases from them wherever possible.

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Extending my B&O System
I agree completely. My old dealer, Windows of the Arcade, steered me away from a number of purchases when they had the B&O dealership. I valued their advice and over the years bought many B&O items from them. Models advised against inclluded: Beosystem 10 - no Dolby and massively overpriced1 Beomaster 1700 - not as good as the model I already had. Beosound 2 - when it first came out it was guaranteed to crash your computer - I bought it later when it worked! Beocord VX5000 - I bought a Panasonic instead! In my view, the B1 stores have a weakness in that most of the salesmen don't know what else is offered in the market. Windows would demonstrate B&O against other makes - they used to sell good makes like Quad and Mission as well as other TVs. On the whole, one could then see why you were buying B&O. They also let you play with them and this too encouraged you to buy. The only problem was that it was just too friendly - I am sure I was a total pain when young as i regularly went in for a demo of the latest kit. I feel I have lost a member of the family now that they are no longer dealers and the franchise that now serves my area no longer gets my business. So well done your dealer - maybe we need to re-introduce a Beoworld Approved award!
Peter Jacobs

- Joined on 01-31-2008
- Melbourne Australia
- Posts 65

Re: Extending my B&O System
I absolutely endorse yours and Keith's views/sentiment. I will of course go back to the dealer and reward them when I treat myself to say a Beo 5. I don't need it but what the hell !!. Peter, it would appear that the Panasonic DMR EH60DEB is not now sold, what would be an equivalent one with the necessary DTS decoder/encoder etc ??? Please. Peter

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Posts 32

Re: Extending my B&O System
Roger: Hughie: Oh, reading all that is said about the DVD2, I have one one order - should I cancel the order? I have now sold my DVD1 so if I don't provide a dvd player in the house the kids will go ape! Some helpful suggestions? Hughie
The DVD2 is a nightmare to service (which is of no concern to you, but nice to know), and as stated above: It works as a Philips product - where a BeoWorlder would press "GO", as with any other B&O product, you will here have to press left or right arrow to proceed. Very odd when used in a complex B&O-setup. In fact, to me, so odd that using the DVD-controller is just as simple. But if you can sort out the user interface and truly need the DVD-recording capability: go for it. If not, get the DVD controller and a half decent Blu-Ray player until B&O can come with an alternative (assuming the excellent BeoCenter 2 doesn't suit your needs). Roger
When you have to use the arrows - the options are shown on the screen!/Bo.

- Joined on 02-12-2007
- Posts 9,572

Re: Extending my B&O System
peterjacobs:I absolutely endorse yours and Keith's views/sentiment. I will of course go back to the dealer and reward them when I treat myself to say a Beo 5. I don't need it but what the hell !!. Peter, it would appear that the Panasonic DMR EH60DEB is not now sold, what would be an equivalent one with the necessary DTS decoder/encoder etc ??? Please. Peter
No idea! But Panasonic do tend to use the same codes so see what is available where you are. Start at the top of the range and work down!