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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012 READ ONLY FORUM
This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and
1st March February 2012
Latest post 03-04-2008 11:24 AM by dilznik. 24 replies.
02-18-2008 1:08 PM

- Joined on 04-17-2007
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SO...i have decided to buy a macmini and use it as a mediacenter in my livingroom. I have been browsing all the topics in here and found that most of you really like the setup. I have one question before i run down and buy the setup. The mini has minijack sound out and digital. I know that digital works with surround and NOT with 2 channel stereo. Is it possible to connect the mini to my bv 7-32 with optical aswell as analoge and let the tv decide which one to use??
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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Yes, you would get a 'mini-jack to phono' cable, and connect this into the phono sockets in the right hand side of your BV7.
However, RE the use of a MacMini as a mediacenter, I have to say that having both a Mac running FrontRow (which is what the MacMini would run) and an AppleTV, the AppleTV is a MUCH smarter solution and works much better IMO...
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- Joined on 04-17-2007
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Alex:Yes, you would get a 'mini-jack to phono' cable, and connect this into the phono sockets in the right hand side of your BV7. However, RE the use of a MacMini as a mediacenter, I have to say that having both a Mac running FrontRow (which is what the MacMini would run) and an AppleTV, the AppleTV is a MUCH smarter solution and works much better IMO...
Hi Alex I have always heard the opposite with regards to mac mini vs. appletv. I do not like not beeing able to watch things that are not added to itunes. Furthermore i could imagine i would also use it as an ordinary computer sometimes. But then again, it depends on your needs. What precisely works better by Appletv in your opinion? Is it the user interface, or is it faster??
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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It's the user interface which does it for me, although if you're happy with having a keyboard/mouse of some sort lying around near your telly, you'll be fine with a MacMini.
I like the fact that my media etc... isn't tied in to the functions I'd normally use a computer for. My MacBook Pro sits on my desk and does all my 'computery things' (like browsing the 'net, doing schoolwork etc...) and acts as the hub for all the music in our house. I can then browse through iTunes and have it play from my stereo (as though the computer was connected to the stereo, except the quality is better + I don't get any loud sounds from my stereo when an email is received or whatever). I can then if I want, browse media without the MacBook Pro, and watch videos etc...
Works very nicely. If my stereo/TV was connected to the computer I use to do 'computery' things, it wouldn't work nearly as nicely...
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- Joined on 04-17-2007
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Hmm, maybe you got a point there. I also read something about difficulties with resolution on mac mini on a BV 7-32 as it will only do 720 1280. Maybe someone with a mini and 32 inch tv can confirm this? Danm, this is not easy. I live in denmark and i am not yet able to rent videos from itunes. This is my main reason to go the mini way as it will play divx etc. however the mini is way more expensive, has no 802.11 n wireless card etc.. Hmm, i would be very pleased if anyone else could be helpfull in helping me choosing the right setup.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
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I was always prefering the Mac Mini over the Apple TV. I want one remote and this is why I would not have done the Apple TV until now that it seems that B&O got the STB/PUC sorted out so that one can control it. I have an Imac fully controlled through IRED. When it powers on it launches IRED and goes into Front Row Right away so there is rarely a need for a keyboard even though I have the mini aluminum wireless one -- when I rip Music or Movies I need it. If you watch a lot of DVIX and/or can not get the BV7 upgraded so that it can control it including fast scroll I would recommend the Mini over the Apple TV. Personally, if I can confirm that the BV8 can fully control an Apple TV I will switch over. Cheers JK
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 04-17-2007
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jk1002:I was always prefering the Mac Mini over the Apple TV. I want one remote and this is why I would not have done the Apple TV until now that it seems that B&O got the STB/PUC sorted out so that one can control it. I have an Imac fully controlled through IRED. When it powers on it launches IRED and goes into Front Row Right away so there is rarely a need for a keyboard even though I have the mini aluminum wireless one -- when I rip Music or Movies I need it. If you watch a lot of DVIX and/or can not get the BV7 upgraded so that it can control it including fast scroll I would recommend the Mini over the Apple TV. Personally, if I can confirm that the BV8 can fully control an Apple TV I will switch over. Cheers JK
But there already is a solution for this even though B&O are not directly involved. Oneremote (oneremote.dk) makes a print you build into your Beo4 that makes you able to control Apple TV. Costs about 150 $ and my B&O dealer does the work. http://shop.oneremote.dk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=35_36&products_id=2161
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
- DK
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Alex:Yes, you would get a 'mini-jack to phono' cable, and connect this into the phono sockets in the right hand side of your BV7. However, RE the use of a MacMini as a mediacenter, I have to say that having both a Mac running FrontRow (which is what the MacMini would run) and an AppleTV, the AppleTV is a MUCH smarter solution and works much better IMO...
I REALLY need someone to teach/show/tell it to me like I was a 2 year old. I am not that good with cables and everything. I have a BV 7-32 MKII. What shall i ask for in the appleshop besides the obvious DVI - DVI for picture? I would prefer not having to use the composit inputs on the side of the tv as i think this destroys the overall look. So digital or analoge or both, and why Please :-)
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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I'd get your B&O dealership to do it!
The Apple TV uses the HDMI standard, but the BeoVision 7-32 doesn't have HDMI connections yet, it uses a DVI connection. For this you will need an HDMI > DVI adapter to which you will connect an HDMI cable, the other end of which goes in the Apple TV.
They're not likely to know in the Apple Store, as B&O TVs tend to work quite differently to other brands...
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- Joined on 04-17-2007
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Alex:I'd get your B&O dealership to do it! The Apple TV uses the HDMI standard, but the BeoVision 7-32 doesn't have HDMI connections yet, it uses a DVI connection. For this you will need an HDMI > DVI adapter to which you will connect an HDMI cable, the other end of which goes in the Apple TV. They're not likely to know in the Apple Store, as B&O TVs tend to work quite differently to other brands...
Alex, let me just se if i am right here. I bought a HDMI to DVI cable, is this not enough? I furthermore bought a phono to phono cable for sound.?
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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Yes, the HDMI to DVI cable should work. The Phono-Phono lead will ONLY work with the Apple TV though, not the MacMini. The MacMini only has a minijack audio output, not a phono output like the aTV.
A smart move would be to then get an optical to coaxial digital converter (search Maplins' website), and connect the aTV via digital audio as well...
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- Joined on 04-17-2007
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Hi again Alex Thanks for your input, Maybe i should elaborate a little on my purchase yesterday. I actually decided to get the Apple TV (therefor the analoge - analoge sound cable). It is up and running and i my opinion a fantastic device. I have just ordered a bracket for me to mount it on the wall behind my beovision and have also ordered the oneremote chip som that i am able to control it with my beo 4. Alex you mentioned a optical to digital converter for digital audio performance aswell. Living in denmark where it is not yet possible to rent movies etc. is this nessesary?? I mean i read the digital input on BV 7-32 only works with surround not listning music in two channels. Furthermore, can anyone provide a link for the converter and the digital cable i would need in this setup? Your help is much appriciated
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Bath & Cardiff, UK
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Ehlerz:Hi again Alex Thanks for your input, Maybe i should elaborate a little on my purchase yesterday. I actually decided to get the Apple TV (therefor the analoge - analoge sound cable). It is up and running and i my opinion a fantastic device. I have just ordered a bracket for me to mount it on the wall behind my beovision and have also ordered the oneremote chip som that i am able to control it with my beo 4. Alex you mentioned a optical to digital converter for digital audio performance aswell. Living in denmark where it is not yet possible to rent movies etc. is this nessesary?? I mean i read the digital input on BV 7-32 only works with surround not listning music in two channels. Furthermore, can anyone provide a link for the converter and the digital cable i would need in this setup? Your help is much appriciated
Unless you start renting and watching movies off it, I'd say no!
Glad you're enjoying yours. I've been using mine extensively since the last software update.
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- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
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It would. I don't know though which TVs do support the Apple TV. I only know about the BV7 STB Version 5.02b. Choose Ipod Remote. I dont know if there is just one STB that can be used in all TVs or if this is different from TV to TV. I hope to hear from Beocare soon. JK
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 04-17-2007
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symmes:I am confused; I thought the PUC DOES handle Apple TV, which would make the OneRemote chip redundant. Not true?
You are right, there is a PUC for apple Tv, but apparently it is only for BS 3 televisions. Please let me know if you know or hear otherwise.
BV7-40 MK IV, BL5´s, BL3´s, BL 3500, BL7-4, BS3000, BC 6-23, BV 1, BS3.

- Joined on 09-19-2007
- Posts 357

I have both and I prefer the Mini. I have it running DVDpedia and iTunes with the Beoport. iPhoto is way better for showing slideshows than AppleTV and I like to be able to surf to imdb in the middle of a movie if I want to figure out right then who someone is. All I need nearby is my bluetooth mouse unless I want to surf. The HD movies in AppleTV look great (between HD cable TV and Blue-Ray... way better than DVD) but then so do my dvd ts_folders on my mini (go go HD upscalling). If you want to watch one of your own movies on AppleTV you have to encode it for itunes and even if you do the ts_video folder hack you still have to transfer the files over. That 40/160gb will fill up fast! I like being able to control my mini with my ipod touch. Also I have my mini ripping my region 2 dvds and my G5 ripping the region 1 dvds. Works out well. Either way, mini or ATV, you're still better off than with some bog standard dvd player. It probably also depends on your technical know how. I'd recommend an AppleTV if my Mom asked but a mini if my Dad asked.

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Gent (B)
- Posts 85

Hello, I'm also trying to build a mac mini mediacenter. I already have the mac mini (Core Duo) and an airport express. The basis of my system is a Beosystem 7000 with several linkrooms on masterlink. Now I'm wondering how good a Beoport will work in this setup. As far as I know the 7000 doesn't support N-music or similar. Is there a chance that the Beoport will be able to control my mac mini from a linkroom? Kind regards Joost, Gent (B)

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Boston USA
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Hi Joost I believe other members reported that one can control the Mac via beoport with older equipment when an IR eye is connected to beoport. But that doesnt work through link rooms. Since you already have a mini mac I think I would go the ipod touch route with remote buddy. If you stream to multiple airport express you can take the Ipod with you when you change rooms. I have IRED/IRTRANS running on an Imac that I use as a TV replacement. For basic control you could install multiple IRtrans around the house connected wirelessly to the mini mac - for basic control this should do but the ipod touch is definitely a neater solution.
Cheers JK
BS9000, BS2300, BC2, BL2500, BL3, Bl2, BS1, BV8, BC4, A8

- Joined on 04-16-2007
- Gent (B)
- Posts 85

Hi, Thanks for the replies. I've read somewhere that a beoport connected to a PC can act as master. Could that do the job for me? I have an old PIII somewhere around. Kind regards Joost

- Joined on 09-19-2007
- Posts 357

jk1002:Hi Joost I believe other members reported that one can control the Mac via beoport with older equipment when an IR eye is connected to beoport. But that doesnt work through link rooms.
Yes it does. I do it every day. the BL3500 is just a cut down BL6000 with an IR eye.

- Joined on 04-17-2007
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The part that doesn't work when you have a Mac+BeoPort in a link room is using *just* the BeoPort to listen to master source audio (i.e. CDs, Radio on your BS3000, BS9000, BS4, etc.). You can do this with a PC+BeoPort, but not with the Mac (unless this has been changed in a BMLink upgrade in the last year or so). To do this, you need a Mac+BeoPort+BLActive. Stan

- Joined on 09-19-2007
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Stan:The part that doesn't work when you have a Mac+BeoPort in a link room is using *just* the BeoPort to listen to master source audio (i.e. CDs, Radio on your BS3000, BS9000, BS4, etc.). You can do this with a PC+BeoPort, but not with the Mac (unless this has been changed in a BMLink upgrade in the last year or so). To do this, you need a Mac+BeoPort+BLActive. Stan
Hmmm... I have (living room) my MacMini connected to the Beoport and then BS4. In the bedroom, just a BL3500. It all works fine with the Beo4 and N.Music and N.Radio as well as AUX, CD, radio, and the SD disks.
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