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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-12-2008 3:37 PM by Peter. 3 replies.
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  • 02-12-2008 9:56 AM

    Need RIAA phono preamp board for Beogram

    I have a Beogram 5500 that needs an RIAA preamp board so it can be plugged into a 6500 receiver. The amp board from a Beogram 6500 would work but does any one where one is for sale or a similar substitute?
  • 02-12-2008 12:41 PM In reply to

    Re: Need RIAA phono preamp board for Beogram

    I would guess that you have more chance of finding a snowball in hell!

    You would be better advised to use an external pre amp. There are loads available at prices from £20 to several thousand. Best to find one with Din sockets if possible other wise you will need adapter leads.

    Regards Graham

  • 02-12-2008 1:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Need RIAA phono preamp board for Beogram

    I have a Beogram 5500 that needs an RIAA preamp board so it can be plugged into a 6500 receiver. The amp board from a Beogram 6500 would work but does any one where one is for sale or a similar substitute?

    I was adviced here earlier, that the option board for the Beomaster 6500 would still be available from the dealer, and not too expensive either. That way you could move the problem away from the older Beogram to the later Beomaster, and use your Beogram as is.

    Anyway, I solved a similar problem by getting a Beogram 6000 (the older CD4 model, which came with internal RIAA) after I watched some Beogram 6500's climb to ridiculous prices. It looks way cool aside the white Beo-almost-system 6500, but obviously not stacked on top of them Smile


  • 02-12-2008 3:37 PM In reply to

    Re: Need RIAA phono preamp board for Beogram

    Super Beogram!  The choice to go with modern systems! Who needs remote control - you have to clean the record! Laughing
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