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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 02-24-2008 2:17 PM by Jandyt. 10 replies.
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  • 02-09-2008 4:35 PM

    • Gavin
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    Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Certain commands on my Beo4 no longer work like Go and >>, which does not fast forward anymore. Have replaced batterries, checked position of the remote sensor from my Avant to the Sky+ (PACE) box and then lastly tried a new cable. This problem coincided with when I started using a Beo5. Another function that no longer works is setting a programme to record from the EPG - Go and Red only sets the reminder timer and not record.

    I'v also tried changing the Setup/Connections options on my Avant to a different type Sky box and back the PACE one I have but this has made no difference. 

    Any ideas?


  • 02-11-2008 2:48 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error


    That's very interesting, its difficult to understand that the Beo5 could have put you box into a different state.

    Does the Beo5 control the Pace box correctly ?

    Regards Keith....

  • 02-16-2008 6:49 AM In reply to

    • Gavin
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    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Apologies for the delay in replying Keith.

    Yes and no is the short answer, most functions worked with the Beo5 although this was my first use after dealer programming. The Beo5 is now back with the dealer making minor adjustments, but overall it was functoning ok, although it was "very sensitive" on some commands. By that I mean just touching the centre select button often generated 2 command steps on the Sky + box.

    Now that I am just back using the Beo4 some functions no longer control the Sky+ box in the same way, for example from the EPG Go and Red only sets a reminder for the programme and I cannot now set a programme to record from the EPG screen.

    Overall something has definately changed as I can no longer control the Sky + box in the same way. I have tried rebooting the Sky + box and also some of the commands available in the Services menu that allow you to "delete and rebuild" the planner menu of recorded programmes. That deletes the entire menu of recorded previoulsy programmes, but that has made no difference.

    My dealer also advised clearing the Avant of error logs (I'm not sure of the exact term / function) by entering a hidden service menu from the Setup screen, again, made no difference.

     It's a mystery!



  • 02-16-2008 8:36 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Does the Sky+ remote still work normally? If so, the problem is in the STB-C . It would seem implausible that both B&O remotes develop the same problem at the same time. If the Sky+ remote works normally, then the Sky+ is also exonerated. I suspect that something to do with the Beo5 has done something to the STB-C.
  • 02-16-2008 10:30 AM In reply to

    • Gavin
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    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Thanks Peter, having dug out the Sky remote I can confirm that works fine, so I can now fast forward and record again! So sounds like the STB-C is where the issue is, what would be my best next steps?
  • 02-19-2008 2:54 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error


    You are right it does sound like the STB-C, it could be that the module has developed a fault which is possible, but I suggest before you go down that route you switch the TV off at the mains and leave it for 15 minutes and then switch it back on and see if you still have the problem. If you do, then perhaps the STB-C module has developed a fault.

    Regards Keith....

  • 02-19-2008 10:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Gavin, Have you checked where your scart cable is plugged into the sky box?


    I had a similar problem last year after i rewired the system and it turned out I had connected to the TV to the secondary scart on the sky+ box (vcr or something) rather than the primary one....


    Took me a week to realise what was causing the problem!




  • 02-20-2008 7:55 AM In reply to

    • Gavin
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    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Thank you all, Keith's suggestion has solved the problem, the good old power off / power on worked and I should have tried that in the first place! I originally only did that with the Sky+ box but not on the Avant, so thank you.

    I am curious to see if the using of the Beo5 was in anyway linked or coincidental, I am assuming it was the latter, but will see if the same thing occurs when I get my Beo5 back from the dealer after the changes I requested have been made....would still prefer to have the s/w myself!




  • 02-24-2008 4:24 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Curious this one , got a Beo5 remote a week or so ago and now the Beo4 doesn't function as it did on Sky+ ( BeoVision 3 )  . Go Red won't record , numbers won't display and Go 1 won't bring up the program list ect. there is no flash on the Sky box . Also when I press Beo4 stop it goes into live pause . The Sky remote works fine , but I can get the program list and then planner using the Beo5 , strange as they are the same commands as The Beo4 . I have powered down to see if this clears .
  • 02-24-2008 4:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    A 20 min. power down has cleared this problem , back to normal except Beo4 Stop still puts it into live pause and I can't remember it doing that before , have never used live pause command and don't know how anyway , should this Stop instruction do that ? 
  • 02-24-2008 2:17 PM In reply to

    • Jandyt
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    Re: Beo4/5 and Sky+ commands error

    Interesting thing I found out today.
    When on a list of your recorded programs, the hard up and down arrow on Beo5 moves to the next page of recorded programs. Can't seem to replicate that with the Beo4.

    Andy T.

    Poor me, never win owt!

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