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ARCHIVED FORUM -- April 2007 to March 2012

This is the first Archived Forum which was active between 17th April 2007 and 1st March February 2012


Latest post 03-05-2008 5:37 AM by Hagen2000. 5 replies.
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  • 01-23-2008 1:46 PM

    Problem with IR receivers (Ouverture and LC2)

    Hi together,

    some time ago I already asked for help on the problem with my LC2 (see LC2...). However things have changed slightly since that. Let me describe the whole story:

    1. From one day to the other it happened that my LC2 is no longer reacting (almost) and the IR sensitivity of my Ouverture has become poor.

    2. To be more precise: The LC2 is no longer reacting when it´s dark in the room, i.e. in general it´s not possible to turn on the light. However it is reacting better the brighter the ambient light is. Manual control by touching the eye is working normally.

    3. When taken to another room the LC2 is reacting "almost" normal (however not 100% perfectly when it´s absolutely dark).

    4. To operate the Ouverture I have to point the IR control directly to the system (the poor behaviour known by any non-B&O stuff...). This was not necessary before that day.

    5. I inspected both of my two remote controls (type Beolink 1000), checked the batteries - no problems found.

    6. My MX5500 TV is reacting normally, i.e. I can point to the opposite wall and the TV is reacting normally.

    7. My Beolink Passive equipped with an IR eye is reacting normally too!

    8. There is no Plasma TV in my flat!!!


    It appears to me as if there is any interference with an electrical noise (spread through the mains?) that makes the systems behave as described. Anybody ever heard of this? Any solution?


  • 01-23-2008 3:55 PM In reply to

    • cozza
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Problem with IR receivers (Ouverture and LC2)

    Do you have any compact fluorescent lamps in the same room (energy saving lamps). These can interfere with remote reception, although this is more common with 38kHz carrier type systems, not B&O. Try turning off the energy savers first.

    The Ouverture problem sounds like a faulty infrared receiver board, I have had a Century recently with the same problem. Turned out to be two faulty capacitors on the IR receiver module.

     It is possible the IR receiver is faulty in the LC2 as well.

    Mains noise on the house wiring interfering with IR reception is unlikely.

  • 01-23-2008 4:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Problem with IR receivers (Ouverture and LC2)

    Hi cozza,

    thank you very much for your ideas, but there are no such lamps in my room. I even tried closing all blinds to avoid any external light sources. I would accept bad capacitors as the reason if only one device would be faulty - but two at the same time? That´s quite unlikely and why does the LC2 operate in another room of my flat? Why did it happen to both devices at the same time?


  • 01-24-2008 2:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with IR receivers (Ouverture and LC2)


    Lets stay focused on the LC2 because you moved it to another room and it has gone from not working at all to nearly 100% working, so unless you are particularly unlucky and it has an intermittent problem and moving it has made it work again, then we can assume it is some kind of interference.

    It is also interesting to note that the sensitivity of your Ouverture is reduced. It is possible to move the Ouverture to the other room as well. If you can and full sensitivity has returned, then that proves there is nothing wrong with the products and we have to focus on finding the interference source. This is not going to be mains interference however.

    Regards Keith....

  • 02-28-2008 11:29 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with IR receivers (Ouverture and LC2)

    Here are some results:

    The Ouverture seems to be working normally again. Since some time I had the problem that the speakers (2xBL8000) were humming slightly due to oxidized contacts of their powerlink connectors. After carefully cleaning them, the hum disappeared and - !!! - the IR response is normally again. I will go and replace the powerlink connectors of both speakers as soon as I receive the spare parts.

    For the LC2 I will order "PCB 1 part no. 8000664" as suggested by Keith and let you know if it helped...


  • 03-05-2008 5:37 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with IR receivers (Ouverture and LC2)


    more news in this thread: LC2...


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